How to cook royal shrimps delicious?

How to cook royal shrimps delicious?

Shrimps are a delicious delicacy that you can please yourself, your family or guests. It is absolutely easy to cook them - they can simply boil them, but there is a mass of other interesting ways to make wonderful royal shrimp dishes. If you are looking for new unusual recipes from shrimp dishes, in this article you will find different recipes for their preparation.

How to choose the right royal shrimp?

The taste of the dish will largely depend on the source quality of the product, so to prepare royal shrimps are really tasty, they are important to choose correctly. It is best to buy fresh chilled seafood, but this possibility is not always possible. Most often we acquire shrimp in frozen. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the following details:

  • Mostly, try to acquire royal shrimp in the factory packaging. Carefully examine the package in which the product is packaged - weight should be specified, an approximate number of shrimps in the package, as well as their approximate size.
  • Look carefully on the price tag - sometimes the price is indicated for the package, and sometimes - per kilogram.
  • Make sure that all shrimps in the package with the tails are elongated, this suggests that the frost has been subjected to a nonstable product.
  • Inspect the shrimps in the package and make sure that they are all about the same size - sometimes manufacturers mix large and small shrimps to sell them at a higher price.
  • Make sure the packaging is not much ice - you should not overpay for water. In addition, it is important that the ice crust around the shrimp is fine, otherwise excess water can spoil some dishes when cooking.
  • Well, when shrimps are saturated with a rich sheath, and the head should have a pink or greenish tint. Shrimp with a black head will give out to others in their taste.

King shrimp kebab

A fairly simple, but delicious option of cooking royal shrimps is to make a kebab. For cooking, it is best to wait for a skewer season and baked shrimps on the grill, however, you can prepare them in this way in the usual oven. Virtually no additional ingredients are required - only shrimps, some oil, paprika, pepper, salt and herbs to taste.

The recipe for kebabs from royal shrimp is very simple:

  1. First of all, shrimps need to defrost. To do this, lay them out in a saucepan and pour boiling water. After a couple of minutes, drain the water and wait until shrimp cool down.
  2. After that, you need to make cleaning shrimps - you can pick them out in the shell, but the purified will be much tastier due to the formation of a crust. It is worth noting that the shelter on the tails of royal shrimp - it is convenient for it in the process of food intake.
  3. If you have miniature skewers, you can drive shrimps on them. Another option is to lay them on the metal grill. When preparing a conventional skewer chapper allows meat to warm up from the inside, but when cooking shrimps it does not play any role, because they are very small.
  4. Shrimps should be lubricated with cream or vegetable oil to taste - for this it is better to use a special chasso from a pile or silicone so that the oil layer turns out to be uniform. After that, sprinkle the product with your favorite spices on both sides. Spices should not be too much, otherwise they will begin to burn faster than the shrimp themselves will be prepared.
  5. Place shrimps on the barbell or in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Usually for the formation of an appetizing golden crust is enough 10 minutes.
  6. The finished dish can be served with potatoes, rice, vegetables and greens.

Shrimp in fryer

This is a simple and delicious dish. Similar shrimps in the fryer will fit both as a snack, and as a dinner. This method of cooking can not be called dietary, but at times you can please yourself with a similar dish. To create a fryer shrimp, you will need the following:

  • polbuttille refined vegetable oil;
  • 300 g of royal shrimp;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • pepper, salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. First of all, shrimps need to be defrosting and cleaned. You can delete the shell completely or leave it on the tails.
  2. Mix breadcrumbs with your favorite herbs and spices. Can come curry, paprika or a mixture of olive herbs. Add some salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Obravel shrimps in breadcrumbs and spices so that they are covered with a subtle uniform bedding layer.
  4. Pour into the fryer or in an ordinary saucepan sunflower oil, heat it.
  5. Put shrimp into the oil. They will be ready for 3-5 minutes. If you saw that the breading acquired a uniform yellowish tint, you can remove royal shrimp.
  6. Serve shrimps for dinner can be with a side dish or with vegetables. They are also self-sufficient snack to beer or white guilt. Finally, you can do delicious sandbresses with them.

Royal Shrimp Soup

Delicious seafood soups are an important part of the Mediterranean and Asian cuisine. There is a huge set of similar soup recipes - these are vegetable cream soups, pumpkin soups, creamy dishes or soups with noodles. You can experiment yourself by adding to the soup with your favorite shrimp ingredients. Below will be considered a recipe for an unusual Asian soup Raman with shrimps.

To prepare soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 liters of chicken broth;
  • some chicken meat;
  • boiled and roasted champignons;
  • raw vegetables: carrots, green onions, germinated wheat and greens to taste;
  • pepper, salt and spices;
  • lemon slices for decoration;
  • wheat or rice noodles;
  • 300 g of royal shrimp.

Prescription Cooking Next:

  • Ramen is an unusual soup, since all the ingredients are prepared separately for him. First of all, defrost shrimps, clean them completely from the shell and fry in a frying pan with mushrooms and chicken pieces.
  • In parallel, lean the noodles in the water - the duration depends on which variety of noodles you have chosen.
  • Cut the raw vegetables and greens are finely enough.
  • Hold hot chicken broth over plates. Add various seasonings and spices.
  • Lay out vegetables, greens, noodles, mushrooms, meat and finally, royal shrimps in plates. Decorate the dish of lemon slices. This soup is suitable for dinner and for dinner, both as a main dish and as the first.

From shrimps, you can make a lot of delicious and unusual dishes that are absolutely easy to cook. Based on shrimps, you can create and delicious first, and second dishes, and even snacks. There are many recipes - based on them you can experiment and create culinary masterpieces from your favorite products.

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