How to train memory?

How to train memory?

The human brain is pretty lazy. Without regular training, he soon begins to forget the simplest things. Not only the ability to memorize is reduced - it becomes difficult to remember the already studied. To avoid this, there are various workouts for memory. They will help not just save it, but even develop and strengthen.

Memory improvement tips

With the word "training", many are lowered hands. It is hard, unusual, it is easier to live as it is. But every day, our memory is destroyed, with a frightening speed approaching senile dementia. Even if she is too lazy to do enough to follow the simple advice of a practitioner psychotherapist so that the memory does not lose its effectiveness.

  • One task. It is better to avoid situations in which attention is scattered. Psychotherapists do not recommend doing several cases at once. In the process of the conversation, it is better not to be distracted by games with the phone, in the process of watching a movie - you should not eat.
  • Nutrition. The brain for a high level of activity is needed nuts, fish, liver, eggs and more. Diet from Jankfud and semi-finished products on it will not affect it.
  • No overload. In this case, according to the same principle that when training in the hall - the day of rest is replaced by the day of training. It is necessary so that the mind is used to absorb the information and has time to relax between training.
  • Learn selectively. In the world where the information is too much, the brain is trying to learn it impressive. As a result, it is overloaded and begins to memorize unnecessary, throwing the necessary. To avoid this, information is recommended to dispense.
  • Nowhere without fresh air and physical exertion. In addition to the right nutrition and principles, it is important not to deprive themselves morning walks, jogs and just warm-up workouts. It will turn away blood, which supplies oxygen to the brain, and he will be able to work more efficiently.

Memory training in everyday affairs

Memory training, combined with everyday affairs, will not waste time wasted. Everyone has time to read, conversations and conversations. The following workouts will help not just improve memory, but will bring pleasure:

  1. Recommended to read 20 pages per day. And not just read, and memorial read.
  2. Learned in advance by heart shopping list can help develop memory. Yes, first will happen the flaws, but in the future no longer have to write on paper all that should be bought.
  3. When talking, you can train visual and auditory memory at the same time, if you remember all the details of the conversation and the appearance of the interlocutor and reproduce them later.
  4. People who wish to train their memory with "prickly means" remember the colors or numbers passing by cars.
  5. When cooking, it is recommended to memorize the recipe and the next time you do without peering into the cookbook.
  6. Exhausting foreign languages, songs and verses is also developing memory.

Workout on the development of memory

Since all memory workouts are based on the principle that allows you to quickly assimilate information for long-term memory, the methods of workouts are several. Here are some of them:

  • Communication impressions with attention. Training is built to memorize those data that are interesting and which you want to remember. The most vivid example of such a workout is a Bourdon test, based on searching and crossing letters, search for errors or words in a large volume of text, as well as numbers in a specific sequence. The purpose of such training is to develop attention and concentration of a person.
  • Associative technique. Associations conducted between the already learned data and need remembered significantly facilitate the process itself. In this way, many diverse information can be stored in memory. As a workout, you can make associations or in an already conducted associative chain to seek the missing link. To do this, take two or three words that have little general, and are looking for unifying associations.
  • Creating a structure of information. Here the information is recommended to break on thematic blocks, according to the logic and associations of the storage. Training will help not only improve memory, but quickly structuring interesting information.
  • Association cards - This method helps in structuring information that must be learned using flowcharts. To build an associative card, do the following:
    1. Take information to memorize and the A4 sheet with color pencils and handles.
    2. In the center draw a symbol of all information - a circle, square, tutorial.
    3. From it to the corners of the sheet draw a chain that displays the structure of information.

    This makes it possible not to just study the information to columns or from top to bottom, but to visualize the whole process and move along the branches to the edges of the sheet.

  • Can also be used chain Cicero - Remember objects, arrange them in chaotic order and restore the sequence of their memorization, "looking for" objects.
  • Also recommended to resort to repetition of biased. Moreover, the newer learned knowledge, the more often you need to repeat it. Facilitates the repetition and memorization of the division of information into semantic groups.

Work on the efficiency of memory work lasts a lifetime, but it is due to her it is possible to preserve the clarity of the consciousness and the sharpness of the mind to a deep old age.

Comments leave a comment
Marfa 06/11/2018 at 18:19

Thanks for the useful tips)) I am a memory training verses. Additionally, the gincoome also takes the tincture on the root of the peony ... As a result, now the passages of big poems I remember easily, but before and the quatrains could not remember ... so the benefit of such therapy really is there


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