How to download video on a flash drive

How to download video on a flash drive

If you needed to transfer a video file to a memory card, then all the rules are applicable to such a format, which also apply to other files, folders, programs that you usually throw off the USB flash drive. Consider in detail all the steps for downloading the video on the memory card.

Insert your memory card into a special connector in your computer or laptop. After that, on the screen you will see such a notification of autorun. In it, select "Open folder to view files".

Immediately the memory card window will open, it will be all the files that you have already thrown out on this media. In this case, it is empty.

It happens that the autorun window itself does not appear on your screen. See what to do in this case.
You need to go to the viewing folder of all connected media. To do this, click on the "Start" button in the lowest left corner of the screen, then select the Computer field in the right list of the menu.

In the window that appears, double-click the mouse button on the memory card icon. Usually, it is indicated by any letter and has a strip that displays how much your flash card is filled.

After this procedure, you also get into the memory card content window.

To throw a video file there, go to the folder where it is contained. On this screenshot, it is placed right on the desktop.

Take the file with the left mouse button and drag the flash drive window. Wait for a while until the video is loaded to the memory card. Depending on its volume and performance of your computer, the process can take even a few hours. Therefore, do not be afraid if the copy window shows you a very long time on the cost of the procedure.

As soon as this window disappears - the video downloaded to the memory card. You can open it with a double mouse and check if everything is in order.

Now remove the memory card. Immediately remove it from the computer is extremely recommended, since you can damage the system files or drivers for connector.
Click on the small triangle in the lowest right corner of your screen, near the date and time. In the small window that appears, find the icon that is most similar to the cord USB connector with a green check mark.

Click on it right-click and select "Extract ***", where *** is the name of your memory card. It is not necessary to know it at all if the computer is no longer inserted by memory cards or other media. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to choose a loyal device without knowing his name.

As soon as such a notification appears on the screen, you can get your flash drive from a computer or laptop.

Now you know how to quickly download the video on your memory card without third-party programs and utilities.

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