How to throw music on a flash drive

How to throw music on a flash drive

Many modern gadgets can play music files, and flash drives of various formats are used as a memory. Flash memory is convenient and to transfer the music library to another computer. For quick and convenient copying your music, it is enough to know two simple variants described below.

Windows Media Player (WMP). One of the most common players, as it is installed with Windows. This player is able to significantly facilitate the transfer of music from the computer to the USB flash drive. Moreover, it creates a full-fledged structured catalog with all albums, performers and covers. This makes navigation and listening to music on the outer player more comfortable. To start, insert the memory card into the appropriate connector and make sure it is connected.

If you need to quickly cross several new songs, open the artist album or playlist in WMP and using the keys Shift. or Ctrl Select the compositions. After that, open the Synchronization tab and drag the mouse in the empty sync list your melodies.

The operation described above can be repeated as much as possible while there is a free space on the flash drive. After filling out the synchronization list, click "Start Synchronize". Wait until the copy is completed. You can view the drop files by clicking on the "Synchronization" tab on the "Click here" link.

In the left part of the WMP displays your flash drive in the form of a removable drive. It shows the folder structure. By clicking on "Music", you will see all the saved albums.

If you want to throw a large number of songs from different albums or from different artists, create an appropriate playlist. In the WMP top menu, click "Create a Play List" and give it a name. For example, the "artist name". After that, drag all the desired tracks to it. When the list is ready, go to the Synchronization tab and click "Synchronize" the playlist name "".

Click "Start Synchronization". After completing the copy, open the "Start" - "Computer" - "Your Flashka" - "Music". You will see a catalog of your music, which includes copied WMP tracks.

Copy manually. If you do not fit automatic sync and you want to do everything in your own way, you can use the usual copying of files in the explorer. Insert the USB flash drive into the computer. In the window that appears, select "Open folder".

Go to the "Music" folder. In parallel, open the folder with the music on the hard disk. To copy albums, select them with buttons Ctrl and ShiftClick on the marked objects of the right mouse button and select the "Copy" command. Return to the folder on the flash drive, in which you want to move the albums, right-click on your empty place and select the "Paste" command.

To quickly copy a variety of individual tracks, use the context menu features. Select the right tracks, right-click on them and select the "Send" command - "Your Flashka". Repeat the operation as you need.

Going to the root directory of your memory card, you will see all the copied compositions. Specify sorting by name to quickly scatter the folders ringtones.

As can be seen from the article, it is not difficult to transfer music to the flash drive. Use the Windows Media Player to quickly sync your files and folders between the computer and flash memory. Or copy files through the OS conductor if you want to create your own folder structure with other names.

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