How to synchronize the iPhone with a computer

How to synchronize the iPhone with a computer

IPhone - «smart phone", successfully performing the functions of a handheld computer. He is considered to be the most common in the world. Apple has created its mobile offspring on iOS platform, making it closed. This means that the phone can not connect to a computer as a USB flash drive, and organize the synchronization, ie to perform the exchange of information between the different types. For this we need to learn to work with the program iTunes. It is difficult to "fall in love" with the first time, so you should download the latest version, more user-friendly.

To synchronize all products Apple's iTunes uses a special program. In its latest version of iTunes 11.0.2, compared with the previous, everything is easier. Principles of operation have become available for understanding even the first person who comes up with it. Copy it for free with the official website of the company. After downloading the program file, set it to your computer.


Disconnect on all iPhone applications, put it in standby mode. To sync via USB-cable (supplied in kit) to connect its one end to a cell, the other - to the computer via the USB port. iTunes is at the same time will start automatically, or do it manually. It can be used to record movies on the device, music, photos, or data backup to a computer (store phone settings).

The first open tab, where you specify the model of your iOS-device. The desired button is located near the iTunes Store in the right pane. Now on the screen reflects all information on the palm of your hands: the model, OS version, the date of the last backup. With the help of the program menu, you can select the type of information to be exchanged with a PC sync settings to make iTunes content Mediothek (if filled) with the IPhone. When the settings are made, click the "Sync" - start the process.


During synchronization, you can not disconnect the USB-cable from the computer. To avoid loss of data, interruption to the synchronization, click "Cancel" at the bottom of the window. Not very comfortable every time you connect the device to your computer to sync. Therefore, to cancel it from starting automatically: tab "Overview" - section "Options" - a tick be removed from the item "Automatically sync when this iPhone is connected." Now, saving time and nerves, run a manual synchronization as needed.

Sync with a computer can do without wires - via Wi-Fi. If you choose this method, synchronization is necessary to once connect the iPhone to your computer via standard cable, go to the menu "Options" tab "Overview" to tick the item "Sync with this iPhone for Wi-Fi". Now click the "Sync" or "Apply". At the end of sync your phone from the USB-cable, you can turn off. It is important to consider in this: iOS-device should be connected to the power supply, Wi-Fi network - should be common to both devices.

When you synchronize your iPhone over Wi-Fi are not excluded cracks. Blame the router settings. you can fix the problem yourself. Go to "Control Panel» Windows. Locate and open the tab "Network Management and Sharing Center", go to "Manage wireless networks". On behalf of his connections right-click, open the "Properties". Go to the "Security" tab, specify: type of security - «WPA2-Personal», encryption type - "TKIP", enter the network security key, then "OK". Problems continue - restart the device: a device, a computer, a router.


With iTunes, all seems complicated at first, with further "cooperation" with her processes are "on automatic." The synchronization procedure is performed with a computer is identical for all of Apple's devices running on iOS. Namely, according to Wi-Fi, via USB, in manual mode, automatically.

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