Sooner or later, any, even once an insanely liked song annoying or replaced by a new, even more beloved. Therefore, each Meloman periodically "cleans" the playlist of its gadget. Here we will tell you all users of Apple devices, how can I delete music from iTunes - selectively or all right away.
To remove from the library only those songs that you are pretty tired, go to iTunes and in the section of the context menu through the section "Mediamatka" we go to the "Music" subsection.
Further select the path to removal objects. If you use when downloading the musical software sorting, we go to the desired songs through the "Albums" or "Artists" tabs (depending on which sort method you prefer). If the sorting was not applied, we are looking for cleaning files through the "Songs" tab.
We marked selected to delete a song (cursor, SHIFT or CTRL keys) and delete. The latter can be made in several ways.
The first method - through the Edit menu section ("Edit"). We go to it, in the dropping list, select "Delete" ("Delete"). The second method - using the right mouse button. Click on the selected file and in the dropping menu select "Delete". The third method is simply pressing on the "Delete" keyboard.
In response to our actions, the program will ask you to confirm your intention to delete selected songs that we answer by clicking on the "Delete Objects" button ("Delete Item").
These methods for removing musical content from iTunes are equally suitable for both "wholesale" removal and solitary. At the same time, keep in mind that during the synchronization process of your device through iTunes, all the music on it will be replaced with the contents of the library of this program. That is, the playlist and your iPhone or iPad will automatically pass.