How to authorize your computer to iTunes

How to authorize your computer to iTunes

In order to download and play media content distributed via the online store iTunes Store, is insufficient to establish a PC-titled multifunctional multimedia player and be a registered user, it is necessary also to authorize the PC to the specified Internet site. Authorization essence lies in remembering the individual characteristics of a computer or laptop-based iTunes Store and "bind" them to the Apple ID the purchaser.

PC authorization Operation online store is done with the help of iTunes. To avoid problems with the safety and proper operation of the player is recommended to use the latest version of it, or do regular software updates. Run installed on the computer and digital media player chosen in the window menu item «iTunes Store» → «Sign» (1), or simply click on the entry icon (2).

User authentication implementation is possible only if the device used to connect to the Internet. Entered in the Apple ID that appears on the panel display iTunes the correct ID, which is typically an email address and an employee user account, and in the Password field - the corresponding character set and press "Enter" button.

After successful authentication, the program (and thus the online store) can be used to carry a laptop or PC to the authorization of his rights provided for access to files purchased from music, movies and other multimedia content. In order to authenticate the electronic device in the online store select the window menu of the program «iTunes Store» → «Authorize This Computer ...".

The authorization procedure can also be started via the main menu of iTunes. In accordance with the default settings it is hidden. To show the main menu of the player for a short time, press "the Alt" and then select it in the item "Shop» → «Authorize This Computer ...". If you want to leave the main iTunes menu displays video, «Ctrl» is necessary to press a combination of keys and «B».

In earlier versions of iTunes Music Player to the Windows operating system interface is slightly different and will most likely need to install the display item call authorization procedure or search for it in the menu "Supplement". In the fields appearing panel Authorization of the computer introduce all the same user ID of your Apple ID and a valid password to it, and then press the button "Authorize".

After a brief hesitation iTunes program, during which it is in online mode, communicates with the subsystems storefront security, on-screen message should appear on the results of the computer attempts to authorization - successful or failed.

Generally, the problems with performing this operation does not occur if the limit is not exceeded amount authenticating device, which is five PCs or laptops. In the case of operating a purchased media files on the computer-limit one of the previously used apparatus must deauthorize. The same procedure should perform and when you reinstall the operating system.

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