How to throw a movie through iTunes

How to throw a movie through iTunes

iTunes In addition to playing music, movies or other video files, listening to the radio provides the ability to copy the library to other devices.

There are two ways to add files to the library:

  • run the iTunes media player and open the library;
  • on your computer, select the desired video with the extension ".Mp4" (other video formats are not reproduced by this player without installing third-party programs, such as AVPlayerHD);
  • pulling the left mouse button on this file, drag it to the iTunes library;
  • or open the program menu (button in the upper left corner or key combination "Ctrl." and "O. » ), select a function "D.put the file to the library ", Find out the file that interests the file dropped and press the"Open»;
  • wait for the download.

Copying to the library

If, during iTunes installation, the program has not been installed QuickTime, then the video is impossible to add to the library. Therefore, it is necessary P. rack the availability of a file in the library and run it. If the file is not copied, then download the program with official Site. And install it. Repeat copy.

Connect your mobile device to the system unit and run the media player. In the program window, a list of available devices will appear, check the necessary. In category«Films»Install a tick near the function. «Synchronize movies"And select Files. Confirm the actions by clicking on the button«Apply».

Synchronize movies in iTunes

Synchronization with the device can be performed through the player menu:

  • open tab «File »;
  • mouse over the category «Devices "And select the" Synchronize "function.

Synchronization with iPod.

After these actions, all user specified files will appear on the mobile device.

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