How to burn an image on a USB flash drive via ultraiso

How to burn an image on a USB flash drive via ultraiso

The image of the operating system on the flash carrier will always have it at hand and re-establish if necessary. This feature will save the user of a mass of time and forces that will need to be spent on the search for a suitable software and OS.

How to install Ultraiso to record an image on a flash drive

Suppose that the image of the operating system you already have. Just transfer it to the carrier - not enough. Files are copied, but installing the OS with their help will not work. For correct work, we will need a special program and some additional manipulations that we describe below. By default, Ultraiso is a paid software, but on the developer's website you can download a free trial version, with a test period of 30 days. As an accessible alternative, there is a WinToflash program, with a simpler interface, but the same opportunity to create a bootable "key chain". So, Kacham Ultraiso from the official site (You can choose preferred localization):

  • unpack the resulting archive;
  • click on the installation file and allow the system to run it;
  • click "Next" in the installation wizard, read and accept the terms of the license agreement;
  • choose where the program will be stored c: \\ Program Files \\ Ultraiso Suitable;
  • we allow the installer to create a shortcut, select which folder to put it;
  • next, the program will propose to select the settings for installation - we save all 3 daws;
  • we click "install" after the completion of the process boldly use.

How to burn an image with Ultraiso on a USB flash drive?

When the program is ready for work, run it on behalf of the administrator (click right-click on the label and select the desired item in the context menu). Further:

  • on the Ultraiso toolbar, we find the "Open" icon (yellow folder) and select a place in which the finished image is placed;
  • the panel is higher, among the menu sections, click on the "Self-loading", inside select "Write a hard disk image";
  • in the window that opens, you carefully check the specified parameters: the recording method must be specified "USB-HDD +", the Create Boot Partition checkbox (for Ultraiso 9.5 and subsequent versions) ;
  • click the "Record" button, the process will pass automatically.

On this, the creation of the boot flash drive is completed. It should be noted that in this way, several systems can be written on the USB flash drive if necessary. To boot to install from the obtained media, press the F8 hot key after initializing the BIOS, until the screen appears with the logo of the already available operating system.

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