How to make a break from milk?

How to make a break from milk?

It's no secret that natural milk is a great product for restoring and normal operation of digestion, and how much can be prepared from it. Let's look more in more detail in how to make it yourself to get sourdough from milk and find out all the nuances and secrets of this process.

Cooking from milk

It is clear that today you can buy milk in any supermarket, but those who know the taste of homemade milk immediately understand that this is not real milk, but only a hundreds of his share. It is best to buy milk on the market at a familiar granny, which holds a cow. Of the natural homemade milk, very tasty and useful products are obtained:

  • yogurt
  • cottage cheese
  • brynza
  • ryazhka
  • cheese
  • prostokvash
  • kefir, etc.

All these products will be obtained as useful as possible and delicious only if you make them from natural and fresh milk.

The process of starting the milk house is not difficult, but at the same time, you need to follow all the rules that will be shown below:

  • I would like to start with the fact that whatever way you did not prepare Zakawas, in any case should be "alive." Its liveliness in this case is ultrapasterization (sterilization in this case is unacceptable).
  • If you buy a starter, it is possible to store it for a very long time, despite the fact that a lively real starter can be maintained in a pristine form in a cold place not more than 4-5 days (imagine what we buy in stores).
  • Among other things, the breakdown includes only one ingredient - milk (on packages of shopping starts ingredients an order of magnitude more).
  • In general, you want to eat useful and natural products, you will have to make a soldering from natural homemade milk. In the extreme case, you can buy natural yogurt without any additives and sugars.

Oakwash from milk

Let's first look at the recipe for sauming milk. In order to properly solder the milk, it is necessary to comply with some rules:

  • Can not give milk
  • The main goal is to cause fermentation in milk (it is worth noting that the temperature indicators of fermentation must be at least 40 0). In this case, a very important factor - milk should not be hot, warm is its perfect condition for producing sauer milk.

Prostokvasha can pick up sour cream. For this you need:

  • To heat our fresh milk, after which it is possible to put it immediately in a very warm place without a draft.
  • After you cherished such a place, add a slightly sour cream to a jar or arc with warm milk (in this case, the fatness and density of e do not matter). In this case, 3 liters of milk need to add 3 tablespoons of the sour cream product.

  • In the event that you have not been at home sour cream, and I want to try our prostone, then just put a piece of bread in a warm milk (in this case, it must be black and not fresh).
  • After just a couple of hours you can enjoy fresh and very tasty prostitutes.

It is very easy to make a break from milk, so that kefir can be done very quickly and without too much machinations:

  • To do not wait and not torture yourself for a long time, you need 3 liters of milk add 300 g ready kefira (before mixing ingredients, milk will need to warm well).
  • Such a mixture is good to pour and pour into a thermos or another vessel with similar properties of temperature conservation.
  • It will be necessary to leave the mixture for 8 hours, after which, you can enjoy a very tasty fermented dairy product.

Fine milk, too, cook very simple:

  • We take a bottle of fresh milk and put it in the oven, preheated to the temperature indicators in 70 0. It is clear that in the usual bank you will not be able to put the milk in the oven, for such purposes the perfect version will be - a clay pot.
  • After all, half an hour of tomorrow in the oven at the specified temperature, you can enjoy the foil milk with a very tasty crust.

Many for incomprehensible reasons believe that riza and yoghurt concepts are equivalent, that is, similar to each other. In fact, these products are completely different both by recipe and cooking, just the basis for them is milk.

For the preparation of yogurt, we will need fresh milk, but for ryazhenka - heated. In the first case, to get yogurt. You just need to add a lively yoghurt product in fresh milk and wait a bit.

Ryazhenka is made as follows:

  • First, it is necessary to put fresh milk into the oven for half an hour, while the cabinet must be preheated to a temperature of 70 0. Let's get ready-made milk from the oven (his recipe was painted above). This product will be the basis for our iphogy.
  • Now it is necessary to add a bit of foam milk into ordinary milk and wait about a couple of hours. Ultimately, you will get a very tasty ripper, which will not go to any comparison with a purchased similar product in tetrapaks.
  • If you decide to eat home exercise yogurt and do not want to wait a long time, then after 7 hours after it is "Razvasy" it is ready for consumption. If there is a desire to obtain ultimately more dense yogurt, then you have to wait another day.

Among other things, it is also possible to obtain cottage cheese and various kinds of cheeses, but such processes look a little more difficult, although it is also possible to produce without any problems at home without any assistance.

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