How to make a goat milk cheese

How to make a goat milk cheese

Goat milk love not all people, but in vain. It is very useful and a wonderful cheese can be made of it. You still do not know how to do it? Buy goat milk, and the remaining ingredients are inexpensive.

Making from goat milk cheese solid

Required products:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 3 l of goat milk;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • one egg is raw;
  • half of the glass of vegetable oil;
  • some salt.
  1. Pour milk into a saucepan suitable in size and boil on the stove.
  2. In a boiling liquid, cottage cheese are placed, boil 20 minutes on intense fire, constantly stirring.
  3. Put in the colander the resulting mass. Wait until all the fluid stalks, and put raw raw materials in a bowl.
  4. We add gradually to the mass of all the ingredients specified in the recipe.
  5. The basis for cheese carefully smear and put in the same ass on a water bath.
  6. After boiling water, negotiate 10 minutes.
  7. Remove almost ready-made cheese from the plate and put in a plastic bottle. Pre-dry her neck. Cheese laid tight in container.

It remains to put the container in the refrigerator until complete cooling.

Make from goat milk cheese fused

Melted cheese prepare longer than solid. We need to turn the milk into cottage cheese and squeeze excess serum. The cooking process is simplified if you buy cottage cheese on the market. If not found, then make cottage cheese from milk.


  • 10 g soda;
  • 600 g of goat cottage cheese;
  • one egg;
  • 15 g of butter creamy.
  1. Put cottage cheese into an enameled saucepan.
  2. Subtill, add the oil, soda and egg with slices. Soda removes extra acid. Turn on the fire on the stove and put a bowl there.
  3. Constantly stir food in a bowl, otherwise it will nourish everything. Fire Make an average, on the high fire the mixture will come, and the cheese will not work.
  4. Boil until the cheese acquire homogeneity and will resemble the melted. At this stage of preparation, please add any finely chopped greens or seasonings.
  5. Hot cheese spread into any molds and leave cool.

We make gentle calorie cheese from goat milk


  • 500 g thick fat sour cream;
  • 2.5 l goat milk;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon salt;
  • 5-6 eggs.
  1. Wake up with eggs sour cream before receiving lush mass.
  2. Heat up to 60 degrees of milk in a separate mind, after adding salts to it well, mix well.
  3. In hot milk on the plate, enter an egg-sour cream mixture, actively and quickly stirring.
  4. Make a small fire and constantly interfere with a mixture before boiling. But do not finally boil.
  5. As soon as you will see a tight lump in a saucepan - turn off the fire.
  6. Remove the cheat clock from the pan and put on a gauze, rolled into several layers.
  7. Tie the ends of the gauze and hang the cheese over any capacity or over the sink. It is necessary to remove serum.
  8. Place the cheese under load for 6 hours. Then put on a day in the refrigerator. The hardened product can eat.

We make cheese from goat milk - Useful Tips

Listen to useful tips:

  • Cheese will be a good addition to other dishes. It can be added to hot meat dishes, the surface of the meat will get a tender pleasant crust. The product will be a wonderful filling for pies and a different baking. Prepare from cheese dietary delicious salad.
  • Choose a fresh goat milk without a specific smell for cooking cheese. The smell will not disappear after boiling milk, and the product will come out tasteless.
  • Store the finished product in the refrigerator to two months.
  • Add any spices or greens in the cheese at the cooking stage. Salt can be replaced with sugar. Sweet cheese love children.

The quality of shopping products often leaves much to be desired. But self-cooked cheese cooked from goat milk will be natural and tasty. It will definitely love your household, and the diet of the family will be replenished with a wonderful product.

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