How to make a good milk?

How to make a good milk?

Prostokvash is a useful product from which you can make a hundred delicious dishes. It is pastries and desserts and even if we use our procure, like a separate product, it will bring the body a lot of benefit.

Prostokvasha from milk

If fresh rustic milk is used for cooking, then it must be boiled. Since not pasteurized milk contains 90% of harmful microbes.

The prescription is simple enough.

It will be needed for cooking: the fresh pasteurized cow's milk is 2.5 liters and the solder of dairy crops.


  1. Boil milk.
  2. In a small amount of milk, Zakvask should be divorced.
  3. When boiled milk will cool add to it for a previously harvested starter.
  4. Prepared milk should be chosen gauze. It is also desirable as a container for cooking uses to use a jar or a bottle.
  5. You should put a future one in a warm place for 18 hours.
  6. After 18 o'clock, the milk is collapsed and prokobivash is ready for use. Now the finished product should be put in the refrigerator.
  7. Before use, you can add two tablespoons of sugar to Prostokvash.

Prostokvasha from milk and sour cream

For the preparation of such a prostor, you can use milk with low fat content. It will be allowed milk pasteurized - 1 l, sour cream 15% - 500 g;

  1. It is necessary to heat the milk if the fresh cow's milk is used, then it must be boiled.
  2. Cool milk to room temperature and add sour cream to it.
  3. Mix everything to a homogeneous mass.
  4. The prepared mixture is transferred to a jar or a bottle, overlook the clean gauze on top and put the temperature of which should not exceed 38 degrees. So milk must be a bit of 16-17 hours. If the temperature decreases, the cooking time will increase.

Prostokvash in Multivarket

Very easy way to cook sources. In this case, a multicooker is used, in which there is a yogurt cooking program. If there is no such program, then you should choose the minimum cooking temperature and cooking time - 5 hours.

For cooking you will need:

  • Pasteurized milk of any fat content - 1.5 liters;
  • the solder of dairy crops (instead of dairy crops, you can use the usual classic yogurt, such as "activation");
  • Cream 15% - 50 ml.
  1. First, the milk must be boiled. Make it can also be in a slow cooker using the Ward program.
  2. Cool milk and choose the yogurt program.
  3. After the time expires to get the finished product and cool.

Prostokvasha from grained milk

For this method, you can use how you can prepare it yourself. Initially, we prepare the foiled milk:

  1. For the preparation of foiled milk, it will take: milk - 1.5 liters, cream 20% - 50 g.
  2. If milk is not pasteurized, it should be boiled and cool.
  3. After the milk is room temperature in it, add cream and stir even evenly.
  4. To baked in the oven milk, you can use or clay pots or other suitable utensils for baking.
  5. We shift the mixture into a pre-prepared dishes and put in the oven to be carried at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4-5 hours.
  6. Cool the foiled milk and proceed to cooking.
  7. We transfix the cooked product into the appropriate dishes, top covering gauze and put in a warm place for 16-17 hours.
  8. After time, we put the prepared product in the refrigerator.

Crown Prostokvash

To prepare such a prostor, it will be necessary:

  • milk of any fat content - 1.5 liters;
  • juzhi pressed (fresh) - 5 g;
  • sugar - 70
  1. Milk should be boiled (if not pasteurized) and cool.
  2. We add yeast and sugar.
  3. Next should be mixed up to uniform weight.
  4. We shift the finished mixture into a bottle, top cover the neck of the gauze utensils used.
  5. We assign 10 hours in a dark and cool place.
  6. If bunches were formed in prostrip, then they can be confused, for example a blender.
  7. The product is ready to eat!

Such a prostone is perfectly cooled in the summer heat.


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