How to make Easter from cottage cheese at home?

How to make Easter from cottage cheese at home?

Easter from cottage cheese, in all canons, is preparing only once for the whole year, and not in the bright Easter, but on the eve, to be accurate, then in pure Thursday. On this day, the hostess need to have time to be out, bring themselves in order and cook a delicious Easter from cottage cheese, because there is no passionate Friday ahead - nothing can be done, and there is a bright Easter.

In order not to spoil such a bright holiday, all the dishes should be delicious, and beautiful, so you need to know the right recipes for the preparation of cottage cheese Easter. Many hostesses so that Easter turned out to be original and bright, use various kinds of molds, multicolored powders, raisins and sugar decorations.

Choice of cottage cheese for Easter

If you decide to cook a delicious Easter, then the products need to buy fresh, selected, not sparing money for high-quality ingredients. Cottage cheese for the product should be fresh, homemade, smelling, and it is better not to buy in sealed packages, because Easter from such cottage cheese will not be such a bulk, soft and tasty. Dry cottage cheese is also not suitable for dishes, as, in principle, and sour.

If there is no confidence in anyone, and I want to make Easter from cottage cheese, then you have to cook cottage cheese with your own hands at home. To do this, do the following:

  • Boil milk. It should also be fresh and home.
  • When the milk boils, not slowing down, gently add kefir into it, pouring it with a thin jet.
  • After serum to separate from cottage cheese bunches, quickly stop the supply of gas on the kitchenette and cover the dishes in which the process was produced.
  • We still wait until everything cools, after which, we collect cottage cheese, floating on the surface, and lay it on a gauze, folded several times to excessive fluid from glass cottage cheese. It will take no less than a day, so it is impossible to call this process, it is also worth considering when cooking Easter in this way.

It is also worth considering the fact that of 6 liters of milk and the same amount of kefir, it turns out no more than two kilograms of cottage cheese. These are inaccurate indicators. Because they depend on what kind of milk and kefir.

Methods of cooking cottage cheese Easter

To begin with, we will define which ingredients will be needed for this curd fantasy, except for the main component - cottage cheese:

  • sour cream (fatty at least 25%)
  • butter creamy (preferably home)
  • chicken eggs
  • honey Sugar Sand
  • condensed milk
  • marmalade and Chocolate
  • nuts, Tsukata, Dried Fruits
  • spices to taste
  • mint and various berries at will

There are several types of manufacturing cottage cheese Easter - a hot way and cold, that is, the final product can be boiled or raw.

In the case of crude Easter, the prepared cottage cheese need to wipe through the sieve, and twice, you can also scroll through a meat grinder. After careful grinding, cottage cheese is put under the press.

The so-called, boiled Easter, in fact cooking is not necessary, just a way to prepare is in heating on fire, after which Easter will need to cool.

  1. Cottage cheese is fresh has a rather short storage period, so you should not cook too large Easter from it, because there is a possibility that it will disappear before it is time to do.
  2. Varna Easter is more convenient and more profitable, because here, without any questions, you can use the forms of large, because such Easter is kept for a long time.
  3. Hot way prepare cottage cheese Easter more often, because the product is obtained sweet and very gentle.

In order to prepare a raw Easter need:

  • A couple of kilograms of cottage cheese wipe through a sieve and mix the curd mass with butter.
  • We smear the sugar there and mix until the homogeneous weight of white is turned out.
  • We add to the mixture sour cream (no more than 250 g) and wipe the mass before the sugar is completely dissolved. We smear a little salt - mix.
  • We smear the finished mass in the form, and we put something heavy on top, after which we send this "design" to the fridge for half a day.

Easter cooking is as follows:

  • In the cooked dishes, we pour out 350 grams of butter creamy, several chicken eggs and sheltered sour cream, all stirred.
  • I bring the resulting mixture to a boil on slow fire, after which we add a flush to the fine-grained state of cottage cheese. Sprinkle salt, mix everything.
  • I scatter the curd mass in forms and after a couple of hours of Easter is ready to use.

Subtleties and nuances of cooking cottage cheese Easter

In the preparation of cottage cheese Easter, there are some secrets about which the one who gathered to cook it:

  • In the case of acquiring cottage cheese from the store, it is advisable to first hold it over fire in order to get rid of the extra liquid. The fact is that in the case of homemade cottage cheese. You need a day so that it is glass, in the case of shop curd - all the hours of hours, but in any case, cottage cheese should turn out to be strong enough and tightly so that it does not fall apart and cut into a knife.
  • Sour cream for Easter from cottage cheese must be sufficiently thick, such that the tablespoon in it stood, otherwise Easter will crumble or blossom, and ideally it should be stable and strong.
  • Butter cream must be soft, it was easier to work with this.
  • If used to prepare Easter dried fruits, they must be washed and well sucked.
  • To do not wash the cottaged mixture for a long time, you can add not sugar to it, but sugar sand.
  • When using a variety of spices, it is better to acquire them in a steady form so that they do not have to grind them manually.
  • It should be noted that it is better to peer cottage cheese by putting it through a sieve, because the cottage cheese is twisted, it turns out not so air and light.
  • In order for the finished product from cottage cheese to be easier to extract from the mold, before tagging it with cottage cheese, it is necessary to put a gauze fabric to the bottom, so that it is easy to just take it for it and stretch easter without any problems.

Relevant to a bright holiday is also Easter with condensed milk. This is an excellent delicacy for Sweat. The main rule of this recipe, all ingredients that mix are mandatory to be room temperature. Here you will need a blender, in which all the components for Easter will be cheb.

So, in the blender, they are whipped with alternate addition - butter, then sour cream, followed by cottage cheese, and to all of this, after a thorough beating, add condensed milk (boiled). We fall asleep there with dried fruits and pour it all into the mold, we leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Such Easter will have to taste to everyone who loves sweet, so you can please your homemade wonderful delicacy in the bright holiday Easter.

Everything is simple and very tasty, try and you will like it. Experiment in the kitchen is not only useful, but also interesting, because here you can open the talent of a culinary "artist", which will very please your loved ones.

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