How to make candies from sugar

How to make candies from sugar

Sweet - as you can be indifferent to it, because everything is crazy about sweets - and small children, and adults. Today in the store you can buy a wide variety of sweets, including candy. The only thing you can not be sure of product purchased. It is also not worth discounting the cost of modern sweets. Let's talk today about how you can make sweets from sugar and what is needed for this.

Candy components

Previously, we were talking about the fact that the composition of the current candy does not always correspond to the standards, therefore, it is impossible to be 100% confident in the quality of the products, unfortunately, but the candies made by their own hands are quite another matter. It is clear that there will be no flavors, chemical additives and other components as part of domestic candy, which negatively affect the health of any organism, so this is the main advantage of such a "dish."

It should also be noted that candy made from sugar is more useful than those lollipops that you can buy in any of the stores. Among other things, children can be attracted to the process under consideration, so cooking candies will become more fun and useful for children with the process.

To begin with, we will understand with the components, of which we will prepare delicious candy:

  • Purified water - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 750 g
  • Vegetable oil - 2 teaspoons (refined desirable)
  • Acetic composition 9% - 1 teaspoon
  • Toothpicks (you can also use spanks)

Do not forget also about the preparation of the desired inventory, which will be useful in the process of cooking the sweetness under consideration:

  • Capacity (enamel pan) - by 3-4 liters
  • Stove (no matter, gas or electric)
  • Spoon
  • Foil (or any other form for future candy)

Cooking candies from sugar

Cooking sweets is very simple, especially when the desired ingredients and dishes are at hand:

  • To begin with, all available components must be connected in the same dish. We pour water into the container, sugar, and then acetic solution. For the preparation of the sweetness in question, you need to take enameled dishes, and if there is no way at hand, it is possible to use aluminum aluminum.

  • The next our step is to cook candy. We turn on the fire and put the dishes with the ingredients to the stove. It is necessary to stirring the cooking all the components until sugar sand in a saucepan is melting, and completely.
  • As soon as sugar sand turns into a homogeneous mass, stop the substance in the saucepan, but at the same time carefully follow the mass, which will begin to boil.
  • Only in a saucepan, the substance will become quite yellow, it is necessary to take a spoon again and thoroughly interfere with the minimum.
  • Ultimately, the resulting weight should acquire yellow, such a transparent, almost amber color. When the substance becomes exactly that color, it means that it is completely ready.
  • If you find houses special molds for sweets, then you can take them (iron forms for cookies and other baking) are also suitable). Just do not forget to lubricate with refined oil such molds.
  • If you neglect by this rule, it will be very difficult for you to rip off candy from the form. Most likely, you just have to get them out of the forms of parts, pieces, because without a knife in this case it is not necessary.
  • In the event that you do not have form at hand, you can use foil (in this case, you need to use a very dense foil or the usual, folded several times).
  • Now it's time to pour a ready-made mass in forms. We do it very carefully so that the amber fluid does not flow out of the form.
  • To eat comfortably to eat, take a skeleton or toothpick and put in the middle of the candy so that you end up with a lollipop.

We are waiting for the candy to freeze and you can distribute to them sweets.

Useful advice

In order for any problems in the process of cooking and after it, it is necessary to listen to the following advice:

  • Vinegar is not a mandatory component, but at the same time, do not forget that, thanks to this component, candy is obtained transparent and very beautiful.
  • If you want your sweets to get a variety of, you can add food flavors to candies.
  • If you decide to make such sweets as a present, then it will be appropriate to add food dyes to candy to get a multicolored bouquet of candy. In the event that you want to make multi-colored candies, but you do not want to add any chemical dyes, then you can add natural dyes, namely, the juice of Buryak, the juice of lettuce leaves, etc.
  • If you decide to smear the molds of oil, it is better to use corn oil for these purposes, it is it that does not give any unpleasant taste, etc.

Recipe Irisok

All that is useful for the preparation of Irisok:

  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Honey - 50 g
  • Creamy butter - 25 g
  • Sour cream - 250 g

Cooking process:

  • We mix with each other honey, sour cream and sugar sand.
  • Pour a mixture into a saucepan and put on fire, bring it up to a boil.
  • After the ingredients in the saucepan boil, you need to cook them for 20 minutes. It is necessary to interfere with it constantly.
  • Lubricate the oil prepared ones and spread the iris.

Candies are ready to eat.

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