How to make Rakhat Lukum at home?

How to make Rakhat Lukum at home?

The most popular oriental sweetness is Rakhat Lukum. Many tourists visiting foreign resorts, bring it as an original sweet souvenir. But is it possible to prepare dessert at home? Our answer: "Perhaps!" In the article you will find the most simple and tasty recipes for the preparation of oriental slopes.

Simple recipe Rahat Lukuma

You do not need to be an experienced hostess to prepare Rakhat Lukum. The main thing is to comply with the ratio of ingredients and clearly follow the step-by-step instructions. Cooking Lukuma requires special care, throughout the cooking time you should not move away from the stove.

Required ingredients:

  • water boiled - 5 tbsp.;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar powder - 300 g;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg.

Optionally, you can add a food dye to give oriental sweets any color.

  • 1 step - in an enamelled saucepan, mix sugar with one glass of water, mix and put on fire (the process of cooking syrup);
  • 2 step - as soon as syrup boils, burn fire and continue to cook until the volume and purchase of caramel color is reduced;
  • 3 step - in a separate pan mix 1 tbsp. starch with 4 glasses of boiled chilled water, mix thoroughly (avoid the formation of lumps);
  • 4 step - put a saucepan with starch on weak fire, bring to a boil, without stopping stirring;
  • 5 Step - When sugar syrup is ready, pour it into a saucepan with starch, mix until the whole mass turns homogeneous color;
  • 6 Step - boil the resulting mass of 60 min. on low heat, stirring regularly (do not allow the burning or strong boiling mass);
  • 7 step - as soon as the mass of future eastern sweets boils, recover it into a silicone form (the form does not need to be lubricated) and leave until complete cooling;
  • 8 Step - We prepare the powder for Lukuma, take the sugar powder and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 9 Step - the cooling mass is removed from the form, take a sharp knife, pour it with sugar powder and cut it into squares;
  • 10 Step - Every square generously cutting into a supper.

Ready Rakhat Lukumum give to frozen 5-8 hours.

Rakhat Lukum with natural juice

In Rakhat Lukuma contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so many girls are afraid to use it, so as not to harm the figure. We suggest cooking sweetness that will bring not only pleasure from the unique taste, but also benefit to the body.

Required ingredients:

  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • freshly squeezed juice (you can use any fruits and berries) or syrup from berries - 1 tbsp.;
  • water boiled cooled - 3 tbsp.;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • peanuts purified (or any other nuts) - 300 g.;
  • vanillin - 5 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar powder - 300 g

If you want to get the sweetness exactly what you can buy in the east, it is better to prepare sugar powder at home.

  • 1 step - mix juice with 1 tbsp. water, add sugar sand, mix and put on fire;
  • 2 step - in a separate pan, pour starch with ice water, mix with the help of a whisk and also put on fire;
  • 3 step - you need to monitor two pots at the same time as soon as the syrup boils, remove the foam and continue to cook on weak heat, squeeze lemon juice;
  • 4 step - a mass with starch must be regularly disturbed, not allowing the formation of lumps (you should get airy mass);
  • 5 step - check the syrup on readiness, for this it is necessary to take some cold water and drop into it a few drops of syrup (if the drops became caramelized, then syrup is ready);
  • 6 pitch - pour the syrup into starch with a thin jet, constantly stirring the wedge;
  • 7 step - the resulting mass to put on fire and do not cease to interfere before the formation of thick, transparent consistency;
  • 8 step - remove a saucepan from fire, add vanillin or a few drops of vanilla essence, nuts and mix thoroughly;
  • 9 step - a lot of future sweets to move to a silicone form or a deep plate, to pre-cover it with a bottom of the food film, leave up to full pouring (approximately 3-5 hours);
  • 10 Step - combine sugar powder from 1 tbsp. Starch, cut the knife in it, cut into a bow on the portion pieces, each square is also generously cutting in the sugar powder.

You can experiment with the taste of Rakhat Lukuma, adding candied in it, sesame and different nuts. Bon Appetit!

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