What can be made of sea buckthorn at home?

What can be made of sea buckthorn at home?

Many are heard about the benefits of sea buckthorn. The regular use of yellow berries contributes to the strengthening of immunity, normal operation of the cardiovascular system, reduced cholesterol levels, preventing the development of cancer cells (including malignant tumors), increases the potency, reduces the risk of stroke and thrombosis to a minimum. In our article you will find the most popular recipes for dishes from sea buckthorn, whose preparations will master even a beginner hostess.

Smoothie sea buckthorn "vitamin bomb"

Smoothie from the sea buckthorn is a real storehouse of vitamins. The useful drink is recommended to drink in the morning, it charges the body with cheerfulness for the whole day and creates a barrier for the development of colds. Nutritionists argue that such a smoothie contributes to weight loss, and psychologists say that this is the best medicine from the autumn depression.

Required ingredients:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn (fresh or frozen) - 150 g.;
  • water - 1.5 glasses;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • oatmeal flakes ("Hercules") - 50 g.
  • hammer cinnamon - 5 g

Cooking time smoothies will take no more than 10 minutes.

  • 1 stage - rinse berries under the thread water (if you use sea buckthorn in a frozen form, pre-defrosting is not required);
  • 2 stage - Move sea buckthorn to the bowl of the blender, pour water and grind on medium speed 2 minutes;
  • 3 Stage - through a sieve or dense gauze to skip the resulting juice;
  • 4 Stage - Banana cut into circles, pour sea buckthorn juice, add flakes and honey, beat 3 minutes in a blender;
  • Stage 5 - ready smoothie to pour into a glass, add cinnamon with ground.

Sea buckthic dessert

Want to strengthen the child's immunity, while feeding him with something sweet? Then take advantage of our dessert prescription from sea buckthorn. According to the consistency and the method of cooking dish reminds mousse. His gentle and unique taste will like all family members.

Required ingredients:

  • berries of sea buckthorn - 300 g.;
  • sugar sand - 150 g.;
  • gelatin - 1 pack;
  • water boiled cooled - 1 liter.

Dessert is not difficult to cook. Cooking time is 25-30 minutes.

  • 1 step - berries thoroughly rinse and clean from the twigs, grind in a blender at a low speed (so that the juice is more), also sea buckthorn can be squeezed and pure yourself or use a pestle for potato mashed potatoes;
  • 2 step - to prepare gelatin (proportions to observe, as indicated on the package), leave up to complete swelling;
  • 3 step - separate the sea buckthous juice from the cake (skip the juice through the gauze);
  • 4 step - put a saucepan with water on fire, bring to a boil;
  • 5 pitch - cake shock in the saucepan, put it on a saucepan (so that the sea buckthorn is completely in water and give it to boil 5 minutes);
  • 6 step - to remove the scenery, in the water there should be no particles of cake (if they still got, draw the filtering process through the gauze);
  • 7 step - in boiling water add pure sea buckthorn juice, sugar and boil on low heat for another 5 min;
  • 8 step - turn off the fire, let it brew a few minutes and add the gelatin shallow stream, regularly stirring (gelatin must completely dissolve);
  • 9 step - remove the saucepan into a cool place and wait for a complete cooling;
  • 10 step - as soon as the liquid is room temperature, with the help of a whisk, start to beat it (it is better to use a mixer, as the whipping manually does not give the dessert dessert dessert);
  • 11 step - the beat is necessary in several stages, the first 5 minutes in the middle mode, after which it is possible to give a little a little, repeat the beating procedure, but already at greater speed;
  • The 12th step - as soon as the mass becomes an air and increase in the amount, burst it on desserts and remove it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Sea buckthorn tincture "No Diseases"

Such a tincture of self-preparation will be a real panacea from many diseases. In the case of outdoor use, the tincture helps to get rid of the symptoms of arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, treatment of skin rashes, including psoriasis. For internal use, homemade "medicine" is a powerful antioxidant.

Required ingredients:

  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn berries - 2 tbsp.;
  • vodka - 1 l.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cumin or dill seeds - 1 tsp.

The cooking time of the sea buckthorn tincture will be 20 minutes.

  • 1 stage - crush sea buckthorn before juice formation;
  • 2 Stage - Clear lemon from the peel (need only a zest), soda on a shallow grater;
  • 3 stages - a grated zest, tmin add to sea buckthorn and pour vodka;
  • 4 Stage - finished tincture to remove in a dark place for 2-3 weeks.

Before use, the tincture needs to be strain.

Also, out of sea buckthorn, excellent natural tea is obtained, which warms cold autumn so much.


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