How to make sea buckthorn oil?

How to make sea buckthorn oil?

Many have heard about the benefits of sea buckthorn oil. It is regularly used in medicine and cosmetology. Oil is recommended to be used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrush, hemorrhoid, gout, with chronic colds and avitaminosis. Sea buckthorn oil will give beauty and youth skin, and also improve the condition of hair and nails. The process of cooking sea buckthorn oil is quite time-consuming, but the result is worth it, since you will be sure of 100% of the product's naturalness.

Sea buckthorn oil is a simple way

Preparation of homemade sea buckthorn oil is a very interesting process. The main thing is to comply with all the recommendations and in a few days you can use the natural product of your own preparation.

Required ingredients:

  • berries of sea buckthorn - 1 kg;
  • unrefined sunflower oil without smell - 1 l.

Despite the fact that the product will include the oil of sunflower, he does not lose medicinal properties.

  • 1 step - sea buckthorn berries Thoroughly wash and soak for 15 minutes;
  • 2 step - flushed sea buckthorn to skip through the juicer or wipe through the sieve (juice will not be required);
  • 3 step - cake to lay out on paper towels so that the excess moisture is left;
  • 4 step - pour the sea buckthorn cake with vegetable oil, keep in a dark glass bottle in a cool place;
  • 5 step - for a week to shake the bottle every day so that the precipitate pops up;
  • 6 step - after 7 days, oil strain, cake remove. Getting out of sea buckthorn!

Tip: If you are preparing sea buckthorn oil for internal use, then the sunflower oil is better replaced with olive.

Natural oil from sea buckthorn

This sea buckthorn oil recipe will help make the product completely natural. After all, it will take exclusively berries of sea buckthorn.

  • 1 step - sea buckthorn Thorish, remove the branches and rinse thoroughly;
  • 2 step - using the juicer make sea buckthorn juice;
  • 3 Step - Cake Remove, We continue only with juice, strain the liquid through the gauze (to make the filtering procedure several times);
  • 4 step - the juice to pour into a jar with dark glass (the bank should be with a big "neck" to make it convenient to remove the emergency oil);
  • 5 step - remove the jar into a cool place to avoid the fermentation process;
  • 6 step - as soon as the oil pops up, very carefully remove it and move it into the glass container with a dense lid.

The finished oil is recommended to store in the refrigerator. The product can be used for internal and outdoor use.

Oil from cake

Sea buckthorn oil from the cake is perfect for the treatment of hemorrhoids, prostate, erosion, thrush, burns, and also for cosmetology masks.

Required ingredients:

  • berries sea buckthorn - 500 g.;
  • olive or linen oil - 0.5 liters.

For the manufacture of a healing product should not be saved on the purchase of olive oil.

  • 1 step - berries wash and care carefully;
  • 2 step - to crush sea buckthorn to the state of the casher (manually or using a blender);
  • 3 step - put the processed berries for gauze, it is necessary to squeeze juice;
  • 4 step - the remaining cake in the gauze to dry (in a natural way or in the oven);
  • 5 step - dried sea buckthorn to grind in a coffee grinder to powder condition;
  • 6 Step - oil warm on a water bath (do not bring to boil!);
  • 7 step - to pour the sea buckthorn powder with warm oil, stored liquid in a bottle with dark glass;
  • 8 step - insist oil you need 10 days, periodically shake the container;
  • 9 step - at the end of the specified period, oil strain.

Product is ready to use!

Orange berry oil will benefit the body, if drinking it daily for 1 tbsp. An empty stomach, drinking with a glass of warm water. The external use of oil will help get rid of skin rashes, including psoriasis. Sea buckthorn oil is allowed to use pregnant women to prevent stretch marks. Despite the fact that the product has a number of useful properties, it has contraindications. It is not allowed to consume with ulcers and gastritis during the period of exacerbation.

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