How to make hot rolls?

How to make hot rolls?

Sushi today in the trend. This favorite food, both youth and adults, whether it is fashion influenced the preferences of the majority, whether, sushi is really delicious food. Let's talk today more on how to prepare warm sushi and what is in principle, it represents this dish.

Nuances of cooking

If relatively recently, no one even had the ideas to prepare rolls as possible, today everyone can find detailed instructions for this process on the Internet. It seemed that only professionals could cope with this task, but in fact this process is even a child. The main thing is that at hand there were all the necessary components, a good recipe and, of course, detailed instructions for cooking hot rolls.

It's no secret that the most delicious rolls that are made of:

  • rice
  • seafood
  • nori.
  • soy sauce
  • vasabi.

But no one says that from other components rolls are not tasty, especially since rolls are considered very tasty with adding fused cheese.

Let's figure out how to cook warm rolls and that it is necessary to know.

2) cooking technology and ingredients

At the moment, Mono's time to find a huge number of types of hot rolls, and it is worth noting that each time this list is becoming more and more diverse. It is necessary to use this dish immediately after cooking, because it is in this that they have their own feature, because they are hot rolls.

The main feature of the numbers under consideration is their crust, which pleasantly crumbs in the mouth (but only if they are consumed fresh and warm). It is she who makes their taste special and very gentle.

In addition to fish in the ones under consideration, as their filling, they can act:

  • Creamy cheese
  • Cucumbers
  • Crab sticks
  • Salad leaves
  • Seafood (any)

Some manage to add even herring in sushi, and they say that it turns out very tasty. It turns out that the roll filling can be any, at your discretion, even the meat can be added there.

So, in order for rolls to be delicious, and the cooking process will be quick, it is necessary to prepare all the ingredients in advance:

  • Buy rice in a supermarket or a specialized store. Usually used special rice for the preparation of sushi. If this does not turn out, you can use the usual, but then you must prepare it in such a way that the rice turns out sticky and viscous.
  • Be sure to buy Nori to wrap a filling and rice, as well as soy sauce and Vasabi. Most often, the last ingredient is sold in a dry form, so it is most likely to be diluted with water.
  • We buy all the necessary components for the filling. You need to choose them carefully so that they are fresh.

Now consider detailed hot roll cooking instructions.

Successful recipe

Hot Roll Preparation Instructions looks like this:

  • Cooking rice. If this is a special rice for sushi, then on a pack you can find detailed instructions for cooking. Usually, a special vinegar is also offered complete with rice, which gives sushi of a special flavor and taste. If you use normal rice for the purposes under consideration, then weld it in such a way that it turns out to be viscous, and if you splash it with apple vinegar, then it will be just perfect rice.
  • Rice is ready. The path will cool down a little, and in the meantime, cut the ingredients for the filling. It is best to cut all the products of straw, if these are not mussels and other seafood, which are small in size.

  • Get out of the pack of Nori sheets. One sheet lubricate water (use for this special kitchen brushes) In order to be able to make its ends well.
  • We post on this sheet (on one of its edges) with a vertical track and in the same way put the stuffing. The layer should not be too thick so that you can, as it should be, wrapped rolls, and they were enough tight (such roles it is easier to cut, and they do not fall apart after saving them in soy sauce).
  • Watch the stuffing (it's best to do with a special rug, but in its absence you can use the usual rubberized rug, which the table is covered).
  • Now that all Nori sheets are used and are rolled with stuffing, it is necessary to immerse these rolls in the pickle or sauce.
  • The next step is to fry these roles or baked in the oven.

It is necessary to eat such roles with warm, dipping in Vasabi and soy sauce.

Hot rolls

So, the process of roasting hot roll is also sufficiently specific, so if you decide to prepare exactly this type of roll, then you must know how to produce the process in question:

  • For roasting roll, it is necessary to pour a sufficiently large amount of vegetable oil on the pan. The optimal option is the use for the preparation of hot roll rolling pan with a thick bottom.
  • Clar must prepare too correctly. Here we will need - water, eggs, breadcrumbs for breading and flour (there will be temporary flour).
  • The process of "application" of the Klyar is as follows - foaming rolls in the flour, then in the egg, which in advance it is necessary to deliver salt and other spices in advance, then in breadcrumbs and again in the egg.
  • After that, lay them on the napkin, and we wait until the oil stalks with some of them, and cut them not to thick pieces.

We plan to the table with warm and soy sauce, do not forget about Vasabi.

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