How to make rolls at home

How to make rolls at home

Rolls are very easy to do at home. In this article, we will look at the detailed instructions for the preparation of rolls.

You will need:

  1. Rice - 400 g;
  2. Vinegar - 100 g;
  3. Salt - 1 tbsp.;
  4. Sugar - 1 tsp;
  5. Marinated ginger - 200 g;
  6. Combo (sea dried algae) - 1 piece;
  7. Nori - 5 sheets;
  8. Vasabi - 3 tbsp.;
  9. Makis mat - 1 piece;
  10. Soy sauce - 200 g;
  11. Fish, cucumber, cheese, avocado, crab meat, caviar for filling - 100 g.

To start scolding rice. Try to find high-quality rice in the store with good adhesiveness. Take two glasses of cereals and rinse it thoroughly. After that, fill in two glasses of water. Fig should be prepared on medium heat to a boil, with a piece of Kombu. After boiling algae, pull out and turn on the burner to the smallest fire. After cooking, rice should stand at about twenty minutes. Then it should be placed in another container and put a vinegar, salt and sugar to taste. Of the two glasses of rice, you will prepare about twenty small rolls.

If you do not want to make rolls yourself, delivery sushi in Kiev Companies with which you can find on the online food order service.

While the rice is boiled, prepare the filling and wash, whose powder is water. After that, divide the bought nori sheets into two parts, and cut the fish with long strips. If possible, use a large and sharp knife. All products for the filling must be cut off the peel and remove seeds. Prepare the whole fill in advance and put it on a flat plate, cutting it with stripes.

Put the nori on the rug. The rough side should be on top. It is on it that place a small layer of rice. In this case, do not press the rice to the sheet. So that he does not stick to his hands, put a piece of a bowl with cool water and periodically wipe your fingers. The end of the Nori Sheet Leave the blank (approximately for centimeter). It is required that subsequently rice did not get out at the place of gluing.

In the middle of the sheet, send a strip from the stuff and add a little wasabi paste. After that, the rug gently lift and wrap the stuffing in Nori, along with the rug. Do not remove the rug until you ride the sheet in a circle several times. Finished rolls cut the sharp knife into small pieces. For easier cuts, it is recommended for a while putting a dish in the refrigerator. Before each cut, dip the blade knife into cool water. Thus, the filling will not pester to the knife, and roll does not fall apart and will not lose its form.

It remains only to give the resulting dish. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces will ideally look at the boys of heta or monophonic square plates. Together with rolls on the dishes gently lay out pickled ginger and Vasabi. For general decoration, small twigs of greenery and figurines made of vegetables or fruits are ideal. In addition to dishes with rolls, a bowl for soy sauce and a stand for sticks should be present on the table. As a drink to rolls, green tea is perfectly suitable, white dry wine or sake - rice beer. It is not necessary to eat rolls with chopsticks, because most of the Japanese eat them with their hands.

In this article, we looked at the preparation of classic rolls. However, if you learn how to prepare ordinary rolls, the preparation of other species will be quite simple. The first time is difficult to achieve the desired result, but with regular training you will quickly learn how to cook Japanese delicacy!

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