How to cook waffles

How to cook waffles

Waffles are a delicious dessert that can be prepared an hour before guests arrive. Wafers can be made both sweet and as a snack to the main dishes. It is necessary to prepare the waffles in a special wafelnice, and if it is Belgian waffles, then you need to purchase an electrical appliance with large cells. Also possible preparation of waffles in silicone forms.

Many dough recipes for waffles, start with the simplest - basic recipe for the preparation of classic waffles in the electric wafflell.

How to cook waffles. Classic recipe

In order to make the dough, you need to prepare products:

  • fresh chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • margarine or butter - 200 g;
  • sugar is an incomplete glass;
  • flour - 1 cup without a slide;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste.

Cooking the waffles are very simple:

  • We make dough: Eggs are well mixed with sugar, then you can beat the wedge or use the mixer. It is important to wait for the moment when the mass begins to brighten and increase in volume. Sugar must dissolve. It is very important not to reduce the amount of sugar strongly, because then the mass will not be so lush as I would like.
  • As for vanillin, you can take a powder, sugar or instead of this spice add a bit grated orange zest. It will be very tasty!
  • Oil or margarine should be mild. Therefore, we put in advance the pack of the refrigerator, you can even put on the battery or next to the stove so that the oil is softened faster.
  • Soft margarine or oil add a little bit into an egg-sugar mixture, scorch not long, only to get a homogeneous mass.
  • By the way, for those who have no time to wait until Margarine softens, we recommend melting it on the plate on slow fire. Then the amount of flour will have to increase and when kneading the test, add 1.5 glasses.
  • The flour is sifted, mix in the dough in small portions. Well wash the dough so that there are no lumps.
  • The dough is ready, while turning on the electrovapulnitsa. The working surface of the instrument is lubricated with vegetable oil, so the first waffle does not have to throw away.
  • On 1 waftle you need to take a tablespoon of the dough without a slide. We put the dough on the work surface of the waffle, we close, wait when the wafer is sucked.
  • Readiness to check this way: or by characteristic hissing, or lifting the edges of the electrical appliance. It's not worth picking a waffle.
  • Immediately, as long as the waffle is hot, you need to shift it on a skip and twist into the tube. It is necessary to do everything very quickly, because the wafer cools quickly and loses elasticity.
  • We repeat your actions until the dough end. Waffles can be filled with custard or serve to tea right so, without stuffing.
  • Store baking you need in a dry place, putting into a container with a lid. Then the waffles will remain fresh and crispy for a long time.

Soft waffles. How to cook

And one more interesting recipe for making waffles on milk. Nothing complicated, the main thing is to make the dough correctly, and then you can think about it is better to serve. We offer to prepare Belgian waffles.

What is needed for the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • milk - 1 cup or 250 ml;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2 glasses without a slide;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • basin - 1 bag;
  • salt - pinch;
  • vanillin is to taste.

Cooking the wafers with you:

  • In a separate dish, we mix dry ingredients: flour (it must be sifted), sugar, salt, bakery powder and vanilla sugar.
  • Proteins separate from yolks. We pour milk to proteins and add butter, mix.
  • We combine all the ingredients, mix carefully so that there are no lumps.
  • Heat the Wafelnitsa. Before you begin baking the waffles, we lubricate the surface with vegetable oil.
  • For 1 waffles, pick up a complete tablespoon of the test.
  • We bake until the waffles are wrapped.
  • It is not necessary to turn such waffles, because on this recipe, the waffles are preparing a square form.
  • You can serve immediately, hot: with milk, ice cream ball or top spray sugar powder. And it turns out very tasty if weaning the warm wafer with berry syrup, melted honey or hot chocolate.

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