How to cook Kimchi

How to cook Kimchi

Thanks to the Internet today we can find a lot of recipes for interesting dishes, which we did not even hear about. Let's talk about such a dish from Korea as Kimchi and find out what the recipe for this dish is and what it is.

A traditional dish

Kimchi is a traditional dish in Korea, he is preparing on our land not so often, and in principle, very recently few people knew about him. Those who today heard about this dish believe that it is difficult to prepare it enough, and there is a lot of time for it. This kind of opinion is erroneous, so let's understand in truth and find out how quickly and just cook Kimchi at home.

In fact, you will need no more than two days for Sling Kimchi, among other things, this dish is very tasty and useful, so experiment and prepare it at home.

First you need to deal with the components of our future dish and prepare all the products necessary for its preparation (they should be at cooking at hand):

  • Peking cabbage (it was originally called Korean) - 2 small keris (too big here is not needed)
  • Carrot - 1 large
  • Onions - 1 bulbs
  • Garlic - 1 cup
  • Fresh ginger
  • Greens (here you need onions)
  • Fish sauce (suitable usual Thai)
  • Rice Flour - Half of the Standard Cup
  • Red pepper - to taste (it is advisable to take the pepper with flakes)
  • Sugar and salt - to taste

When all ingredients are at hand, you can proceed to the cooking process.

Cooking process

Everything is simple, no complex components and collaboration will not be, so just follow the recipe and nothing more:

  • The first step in this process is a sharp knife to cut the cabbage kochan in such a way that it is cut from the base side, but not diverge to the end.
  • Now you need to take a deep enough bowl to carry out all actions with our cabbage.
  • Now you need to wash the cabbage well and eat a little e. To do this, we simply substitute the Kochan under the jet of running water and do so that all the shears of cabbage and inside, and outside, completely wet.

  • Now it's time to salt cabbage. Spring salt of Kochan so that each leaf is in salt. Most of the whole salt must be poured on the base of the Kochan, because the structure of this part is the most dense and for its prosecution you need more salt and time.
  • Salt in the cabbage is not needed, carefully sprinkle with salt no more.
  • We leave Cocheans for two hours alone, let him bespoke.
  • After the specified time, it will be necessary to turn them on the other side and to do the same maneuvers with salt.
  • The next two hours will need to be left on this side (which you only sat down).
  • While the second part of the kochanov is asked, while you can begin to prepare the gas station. To do this, prepare - bulbs, ginger, garlic.
  • We clean the bulb from the husk, garlic from the peel and all this throw in a blender along with ginger to grinding.
  • Now we proceed to cooking "Kisl" and we will cook it from the flour rice.
  • We will need 3 glasses of purified water, in which it will be necessary to dissolve three tablespoons of flour with a slide.
  • Everything that happened, it will be necessary to put on the middle fire (therefore, the dishes for the preparation of such a composition must be taken from aluminum or just a saucepan).
  • It is necessary to leave it on the fire before the booster of this white mixture, as soon as it happens, turn off the gas and immediately fall asleep into a saucepan of several spoons of sugar sand (if without a slide, then 4 spoons will be enough).
  • All this is stirred and leave in this form before its complete cooling, what you happen should be a thick consistency.
  • Now it's time to make grinding vegetables. Onions green, like carrots, it will be necessary to cut into a straw - thin and not too long.
  • Now in the prepared in advance of deep dishes it will be necessary to mix onions, carrots, rice mixture and gypsum composition. Thoroughly mix and smear in the same dishes of the red pepper half a compartment (if you do not like sharp dishes very much, then you can pour less).
  • The next stage is engaged in fish sauce. It will be necessary to add to the cooked refueling (approximately half a compound). Here you need to be careful, because such a sauce itself is quite sharp.

  • It took about 4 hours after you left the Beijing cabbage to saline, so it came to rinse it under running water. Do it need carefully to wash the whole salt on sheets.
  • Gently squeeze the cabbage if it is very soft and wet.
  • The last stage - thoroughly wise cabbage leaves with cooked refueling. It is better to do it in gloves, because it can negatively affect the skin of your hands. It is important here that each sheet from beginning to end was missed by the refueling, do not miss the cabbage surface centimeter.
  • Greens and finely chopped vegetables should also be between leaves (refueling in this case should be completely left).
  • Fold the smeared cabbage leaves together and put the kocheans into a container of plastic or glass, close it tightly and send it to the cold place.

So you can prepare a very tasty Korean dish called Kimchi. You can eat it with any other dish, side dish, meat or fish, it is combined literally with everything.

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