How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave?

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave?

Taste mouth-watering juicy cabbage by 50% dependent on properly chosen and prepared cabbage. Many housewives avoid this dish, because you need to hover the cabbage, then disassemble it on the leaves and perform other manipulations with this vegetable. In this article, we want to share the secret of how to prepare the perfect cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage, and will help us in this microwave oven.

How to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave in the package?

It is the fastest version of steaming cabbage for cooking cabbage. We need:

  • cabbage weighing up to 1.5 kg.
  • package, it is possible to replace the sleeve for baking.


  1. Cabbage clean from top privyadshih leaves and wash.
  2. Remove stalks.
  3. Put the cabbage in a bag (sleeve), tight tie.
  4. Needle make holes in the surface of the package to the steam inside.
  5. Put the bag in the microwave to Kocani. If device power 700 W, the warm cabbage 10 min, at a power of 1000 W is sufficient 7 min.
  6. After the beep, microwave, remove the package with cabbage, expand it.
  7. When the head is slightly cool, that's enough for 5 minutes, start to separate the cabbage leaves.
  8. If in the middle of the head of cabbage leaves are hard, it is necessary to repeat the procedure. In addition, a package with the remaining cabbages must be warmed up only 2-3 minutes.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave Kocani

Prepare cabbage. Ideal for cooking cabbage is considered a flattened head. And he is prepared to twist cabbage as follows:

  1. Remove a head of cabbage upper leaves, if they are dirty or limp.
  2. Take the stalks, put the cabbage in a bowl for the microwave, stalk down.
  3. Send the dishes in the microwave for 11 minutes. Power should be maximal.
  4. Pull the Kochan, check the sheets on softness. If they have not repeated enough, then return cabbage to the microwave for another 2-4 min.
  5. Lower the Kochan in cold water for 1-2 minutes.
  6. After you can disassemble cabbage on the blanks for cabbage rolls.

Softening of cabbage sheets in a microwave for cabbage rolls

Today, the bazaars can be found on sale not only a whole cabbage, but also separately cabbage sheets. Such a product is great for slices. You can and independently disassemble cabbage to sheets, as individual leaflers are packed in the microwave much faster than a whole kochan.

  1. Cabbage sheets folded in dishes for microwave.
  2. Put warming up for 4-7 minutes.
  3. The readiness of the sheets "to the touch" is checked if they are soft, then you can remove, and if not, you need to disappear them in the microwave for a couple of minutes.

Any of the options for preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave to significantly facilitate the process of cooking this delicious dish. Such cabbage is preparing quickly, which allows you to save time "standing at the stove".

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