How to cook american punk

How to cook american punk

American pankequets are one of the most common and favorite dishes of the inhabitants of the United States of America, as well as Canada. Almost any breakfast of them do not cost without these magnificent pancakes, which often the inhabitants of this country are watered with various types of syrups to give a unique taste to a dish. The recipe itself is pretty simple and easy to use and suit anyone, even a beginner hostess in the kitchen. You can find all ingredients in the nearest store, most likely, even in your refrigerator, which makes it much easier for cooking. We assure the taste and appetizing type of pancakes will not leave you indifferent to you or your family.

Necessary ingredients for American Panketykov

All ingredients specified in this paragraph are calculated on 4 full portions. Do not forget that all products should be fresh so that our dish is the most delicious.

  • Milk - 200 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Wheat flour - 10 tbsp. l.
  • Basin - 1 tsp.
  • Vanillin is to taste and your desire.
  • As a syrup, you can use caramel, honey, chocolate and TP. Choose what you like to taste more.

Method of cooking american pankeepers

  • Mix 2 eggs and 200 ml of milk, gradually bringing them to a homogeneous mass. For this, both a mixer with a blender and a regular whine or fork.
  • Add sugar and baking powder to the mixture of eggs and milk, without stopping mixing the mixture.
  • After the steps done, add all the flour to the mass, mix everything thoroughly so that no lumps are left.
  • Take the pan, preferably with a non-stick coating, do not lubricate the bottom, even butter. Turn the gas and warm it up.
  • As soon as the frying pan is warm up, safely take the scoop in the hands and pour a small amount in the pan and cover the lid.
  • Once bubbles appear on the surface of the test, it will become porous, you can turn it over the other side.
  • At each Panket make attention no more than one minute.

You will have no more than 30 minutes for all cooking, which cannot but rejoice, because during this time you can warm up the kettle and brew tea. The resulting American pancakes are obtained lush and very tasty, boldly and with confidence, add this recipe in your favorites!

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