How to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat

How to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat

It is not easy at first glance to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat, although these cereals are made of different plants - the first is made by grinding the grains of barley, and the second is a grain grain, which has not been subjected to significant processing. And, nevertheless, according to some signs, it can be determined that before you a breakfast or wheat?

How to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat - appearance

Wheat and barley - cereal cultures, the seeds whom after cleaning becomes similar to each other as twin sisters. To buy in the store the desired barbell, it is not bad to have a concept that it looks like.

  • Pearl cereals No. 1 and 2. Croins of oval-round shape with rounded ends and a noticeable groove in the middle. The color of the grains is white with a greenish-yellowish tint and as if swimming with flour is the remnants of the processed shell.

  • Wheat. The grain without dusting, has an extended shape with a deep closed line in the center of the body. Coloring ranges from light yellow to dark amber color, and the consistency (when failing) is from a flounce to vitreous.

  • Perlovka-Holland (No. 3,4,5). The Dutch is impossible to confuse with wheat, because it looks like balls stripped from whole barley.

How to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat to taste

The simplest food from these crumbs is the same useful, but differing in taste and method of preparation. We offer you to cook, try and appreciate the taste of wheat and barley.

  • Soak the face for 6 hours, then rinse the croup, lay in a saucepan and pour water - 1: 3. Boil 45 minutes, add a salt and pinch of dry thyme. The kushan came out with an unusual texture - slippery, but pleasant outside and dense inside.

  • One glass of wheat pour into a container and fill with a liter of boiling water. After cooling, put a saucepan in the fridge for the night. In the morning, drain the liquid, add 4 glasses of water and prepare three hours on quiet fire. 15 minutes before the end of the cooking, salt porridge and turn it into her cream oil. Taste - Sweetish, torment, satisfying and if put in porridge Raisins, nuts, poppy - will come out sochily for the Christmas Christmas Eve.

How to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat - delicious recipes

From the bar and wheat are preparing not only porridge. These groats are suitable for salads, mucous soups, teftelex, casserole, sweets.

Mushroom pearl soup

The soup based on mushroom broth is obtained light, fragrant, dietary. Ingredients: 1 cup of cereals, 1.5 liters of water, 300 gr. Mushrooms, 1 carrot and bulbs, greens.

  • Wash the clumsy croup, pour with water and cook for 50 minutes.
  • Clean and cut mushrooms and vegetables. Fry everything on lean oil.
  • Enter the prepared mass into the broth, boil a quarter of an hour, salt.

Pour soup on plates, sprinkle parsley and serve with croutons.

Pilaf from wheat

For meals you need: 2 glasses of boiled wheat, onions, carrots, apple, Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece, 1/5 part of the cabbage.

  • Wash, cut and spruce the components.
  • Lay out the mixture in the saucepan, add 1 cup of water and stew half an hour.
  • Enter wheat, spices, salt, foiled oil, warm the weight of 5 minutes, mix and the pilaf is ready.

Wheat candies

Take: 1/2 cup of boiled wheat, two bananas, five kuragi stuff, 2 tbsp. l. Honey, small nuts and rice flour.

Mix everything in a blender and remove the mass into the refrigerator for 1 hour. Form from the workpiece candy balls and cut them into cocoa or coconut chips.

Now you know how to distinguish a pearfoon from wheat, and what interesting foods can be prepared from them. So what to do scaring, experiment with ingredients and feed your close delicious and useful foods.

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