Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Active movement, bending and extension of legs cause pain. Often, the skin, which is located above the problem joint, blushes, and its temperature rises, which leads to the fever of the whole body. When the disease is not treated, it leads to damage to bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and nearby muscles. In case of sudden development, the disease acquires sharp stage, with slow development - chronic.
Treatment of joints
If the patient transfers the sharp stage of arthritis, then he needs to be alone and warm. In addition to the bed mode, it is recommended to use special gels and ointments. They are eliminated from pain attacks and reduce swelling.
- Physiotherapy procedures. Recommended when removing acute signs of the disease. Physiotherapy heats deeply, activates blood circulation, restores the affected areas and relieves pain.
- Physical Education. If the pain is still present, you can do physical education. Thanks to it, the body function normally and the articular lubricant is produced. LFC classes should control the instructor with work experience.
- Massage treatments. At the last stages of recovery, you can make a massage to reduce pain, increasing the blood flow to muscle tissues.
- Appliques. There are paraffin, ozokerite and mud applications, which are recommended at the stage close to recovery, or remission at the chronic stage of arthritis. They warm up the joint area, relieve pain, swelling, spasms. Procedures are made before the massage procedure.
- Compresses S. dimeksida. This drug is favorable for inflammation, removing swelling and pain. A alcohol compress warms well, after them need to be wrapped in woolen fabric.
Balanced nutrition is saturated with the organism necessary elements that are necessary for quick recovery. It is advisable to eliminate the reception of oily food, sharp seasonings, margarine and products with trans-firam.. It is necessary to eat products with collagen, which is included in the composition of flaxseed oil and red fish. The latter contains many useful components for normal joint activities.
Vegetables and fruits, greens, germinated cereals are very useful because of the large content of vitamin E. also need to eat cheeses, suklomelochka, low-fat meat.
This is a popular non-traditional treatment method. Therapy implies acupuncture impact capable of removing pain, as well as stimulate the recovery process.
Treatment of methods of traditional medicine
Folk medicine includes effective methods of treating the disease. It is recommended to take herbal fees, make compresses, use creams and rubbers. Also, the beneficial effects are healing baths that help to take inflammation.
Bath is An effective treatment for which it is worth resorting when the acute stage has passed. Especially good Russian and Finnish bath with nettle and oak branches. Thanks to a good warming, the inflammatory process of the fabrics is filled faster, the pain subsides, and the blood supply is improving. For immunostimulating Actions need to constantly visit the baths.
Surgical methods
If all the methods that are listed above do not bring improvements, the doctor assigns the operation.
- Arthroscopy.. With the help of the injection, instruments are introduced into the articular cavity, allowing to consider cartilage, remove the pus, as well as introduce medicines.
- Endoprosthetics. Supported in cases of loss of the joint peculiar to it of functions, as a result of which the patient can become disabled. Prosthetics is the last method of treatment, after all others have not brought effect. Thanks to the development of modern medicine, you can completely replace the joint.
Many forms of arthritis are healing. The main thing in time began treatment, in order to prevent the development of complications or the transition to the chronic stage. To continue to live fully need to fulfill the recommendations of the medical worker.