How to get rid of losing

How to get rid of losing

Lishe is not dangerous for life, but this disease is especially unpleasant when it is located on the head, face or other area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, which is difficult to hide. In the absence of treatment, the intensive itch causes a very combing sick place to get some relief. Unfortunately, scratched affected areas can lead to secondary skin infections.

Before resorting to the chemical treatment of the hearth disease, we advise you to try several effective natural home tools. With home treatment, do not forget to maintain the affected area clean and dry, in order to avoid any additional stimuli. Put in order all towels, sheets and objects of clothing, which come into contact with infection. As always, starting any household tool for treatment, do not forget to consult a doctor for accurate diagnosis and monitoring deprivation. You can use several natural tools to kill the fungus that causes depriving and get relief from itching. Keep in mind that these are the best home remedies that will get rid of you from an unpleasant problem.

How to get rid of depriving - garlic

Garlic is not only a real miracle of our food, but also is able to cure skin disease. Natural chemical compounds of allicin and sulfur, whose antibacterial and anti-grab properties make it with a locomotive against skin infections, such as deprive. We recommend applying a fresh teeth of garlic on the hearth, grinding them into Cashitz. You can supplement the crushed garlic with olive oil to get the desired consistency. Receive the resulting pasta. Do delay and fix the area with a bandage or gauze. Leave the paste for an hour, then rinse with warm water. To achieve the therapeutic effect, lubricate the affected areas twice a day. Limit the impact of the dressing for a longer time so as not to get local skin irritation.

How to get rid of losing - apple vinegar

Vinegar is able to effectively deal with a number of skin problems, including dermatomycosis, due to its antifungal qualities. To use it for treating depriving, pre-check the product on a small area of \u200b\u200bhealthy skin. This test will show individual vinegar tolerance. We recommend using wet fabric, cotton swab or gauze, moistened with apple vinegar twice a day for 30 minutes. With this use, light burning may occur, which can be removed by adding a small amount of water to vinegar.

How to get rid of losing - turmeric

This seasoning has rather large natural antibiotic properties. Using the juicer, apply fresh juice of turmeric on the plots that affected the disease until the problem leaves.

How to get rid of losing - vinegar and salt

A simple combination of vinegar and salt applied to deprive for 5 minutes is able to heal a week per week.

How to get rid of losing - mustard seeds

The mustard seed is a common means for home fighting. It helps soothe itch and remove swelling around the hearth. Therefore, the use of a mustard seed paste can prevent secondary skin infections caused by scratches. Put a teaspoon of fresh mustard seeds in a container with warm water and soak overnight. Grind the seeds the next morning with a mortar and pestle before receiving a homogeneous paste. Use the resulting cleaner directly to deprive. Let the paste remain on the plot of about 45 minutes, and then rinse it with warm water.

How to get rid of losing - jojoba and lavender oil

Lavender and jojoba oil are a safe tool for use on the skin of babies and children who are infected with degrading. Lavender prevents the growth of dermatophytes, destroying the fungus. Mix a drop of lavender oil in a teaspoon of jojoba oil, and a cotton ball, moistened in this mixture, apply to the affected area. Leave on the spot for half an hour. Repeat this process twice a day for a month.

These methods of combating skin disease are safe, have little side effects and proved their effectiveness.

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