How to cook dried mushrooms

How to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are one of the most common, favorable options for preserving this product in front of the winter. Absolutely different types of mushrooms are dried: white, chanterelles, boosions, whale, mokhoviki. During the process, useful vitamins are preserved and even intensified the smell. Dried mushrooms when adding to food are obtained very fragrant and cause strong appetite. There are some nuances in the processing of mushrooms of dried, fresh and frozen, it is important about them to know if the on the eve of cooking.

How to prepare dried mushroom soup

Recipe ingredients:

  • Mushrooms dried - 60 g.
  • Pearl coupe - 1/2 cup.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Water - 3 l.
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g.
  • Petrushka - 4 twigs.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Pepper black peas - 5 pcs.

Cooking process:

  • Before starting cooking, dried mushrooms are soaked for 2 hours. Next they wash, the water merges. Pearl groats soaked parallel With mushrooms just for 2 hours. Then the croup should be rinsed.
  • A 3 l of boiling water is poured into the pan. Add washed mushrooms into the water.
  • Potatoes cleaned from the peel, cuts into medium cubes. Carrot ishes, cleaned, rubbed on the grater. The onions are cleaned from the husk and chopped finely.
  • Frying pan warms up for the preparation of fragrant snazharki. Onions and carrots are twisted in vegetable oil.
  • Pearl cereals is added to the soup along with potatoes. Cooking time and potatoes up to 30 minutes.
  • For 5-7 minutes. before readiness you need to add snag, salt and pepper.
  • Green Melko cuts out And throw in the soup before shutting down.
  • Soup is dried Mushrooms are ready for use, served with sour cream and black bread.

How to cook dried mushrooms with potatoes

Ingredients on the recipe for soup:

  • Dried mushrooms - 20 g.
  • Potatoes - 800 g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato sauce - 400 g.
  • Dried hammer greens - 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Vegetable oil - 40 g.

Ingredients for the recipe for sauce:

  • Wheat flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Creamy oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Meat Broth - 1 sT-N..
  • Salt - on taste.
  • Pepper Ground black - to taste.

The process of cooking sauce:

  • These ingredients are mixed: flour, butter, tomato paste, onion sliced, grated carrots, broth and seasonings, taste amplifiers.
  • The mixture of products is placed in the microwave until the creamy oil is heated. Sauce is ready for further use.

Soup cooking process:

  • Mushrooms Dry soaked for 2 hours. After that, they need to rinse and cook until the ready 50 min. Finished mushrooms are pressed, cut.
  • The onions are cleaned from the husk and the finely bold. The frying pan heats up on the fire, the bow faces together with the mushrooms to the Golden Low crust, tomato sauce is added on meat broth. Frying pan is covered with a lid, ingredients to grieve on slow fire 15 minutes.
  • Potatoes are cleaned, cleansed, cut down her slices. Fries on an additional frying pan with vegetable oil. Perfect, salts to taste. After cooking, potatoes should be mixed with mushrooms and stew 10 minutes.
  • Dried mushrooms with potatoes are ready. Served with greens, white bread.

How to cook dried mushrooms - basics

  • Dried mushrooms unlike  frozen for long-term storage, before cooking Be sure to soften in water. Next, the fungal water is poured together with excess garbage, is washed and left for several hours (approximately 2 hours). Mushroom soaking time depends on drying.
  • Mushrooms are usually dried on a thread that in dish is not need. If mushrooms do not want to part with a thread easily, they are soaked together.
  • For 300 g, freshly accounted for about 60 g of dry mushrooms.
  • Lavral Lie art in griboma soup can kill the smell and taste mushrooms.
  • Dried mushrooms are followed Store in a clean room with regular ventilation. It is impossible to store mushrooms next to vegetables, fruits, in the cellar with high humidity. Mushrooms sent during storage can be saved if they are sorted out, add or immediately use in food. The shelf life of mushrooms is 1 year. Until that time, they are desirable to eat.
  • To give a pleasant aroma dish enough Add a small slide of dried mushrooms.

Recipes for making dried mushrooms are simple and unfinished. The main difference of the dry product is the duration of cooking. But the result always exceeds expectations. The dish is obtained very fragrant. There are such recipes from dried mushrooms: cutlets, mushrooms in sour cream, fried mushrooms, all sorts of sauces, jushia and salads. Prepare from self-collected mushroom harvest and from the store assortment.

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