What is Tofu

What is Tofu

Tofu is a nutritious product that soy beans produce. The value of “soy cheese” or “soy cottage cheese”, as called Tofu, is a large protein content. This product is widely used in Asia. In our country, tofu can be found in rare supermarkets, and a very small number of people use it. And in vain! After all, there is a lot of benefits in this economical product.

Preparation of TOF: how and from what

The process of cooking tofu is very reminiscent of the preparation of cottage cheese from cow's milk. The essence is the coagulation of protein in milk of soybeans. This process occurs when heated. Also, citric acid, calcium sulfate or magnesium chloride are added to milk. Tofu can be divided into three types that differ in consistency and production process:

  • "west"
  • "cotton"
  • "silk"
  1. The “Western” species is called the Tofu so because it is precisely such a tofu that they prefer to eat in Europe. Such cheese is dense and dry in consistency.
  2. In Asia, more watery cheese is used - it is called "cotton." In addition, it is softer than the previous look.
  3. And the "silk" is the most delicate and soft, which is what its name is talking about. It has even more moisture, and in consistency it resembles pudding.

Each species has its own application in cooking and is more suitable for certain dishes. But, the dry and denser the cheese, the more protein in it.

In the production of tofu cheese, it is possible to add different spices and ingredients, for example: paprika, nuts or seasonings. The cheese itself has a neutral taste, and with the addition of spices, it acquires notes of added components.

The benefits of tofu for the body

  • Tofu contains a large amount of protein, because soy is one of the record holders in the content of this substance. To maintain good health and the normal state of the body, a person must use all nine important amino acids, which are fully contained in the TOFA.
  • This type of cheese is an excellent source of calcium, which is also necessary for a person.
  • Reduces cholesterol.
  • Helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • Being a low -calorie product, Tofu is ideal for people who monitor the figure.
  • Tofu contains antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals.

Harming tofu for the human body

Despite all the benefits and rich composition, tofu can cause undesirable reactions in the human body.

  • For example, phytoestrogens as part of this product can help restore the hormonal balance and violate the reproductive system in men and women.
  • In a large amount of soy, it is able to provoke or aggravate thyroid diseases.
  • Cases of allergies to soy cheese were identified.
  • Tofu can give a laxative effect, which will cause diarrhea.

If you use tofu in moderation, you can get great benefit and is not worried about the dangers, since in limited quantities this product is a storehouse of utility, with an eye on the individual characteristics of each person.

Culinary use of Tofu

Since Tofu itself does not have its own taste and smell, it absorbs and is filled with the aromas of those spices or products with which it is combined. So tofu can become as a piquant snack, or a sweet dessert. Application may depend on the type of cheese.

  • More solid, “western”, used for smoking, frying and baking.
  • “Asian” tofu due to his softer consistency, well add to the first dishes. But, it is also suitable for frying, baking and smoking.
  • But the “silk” type of cheese is very delicate, therefore it perfectly turns into puddings, cream, sauces and desserts.

Tofu is a very convenient product. But, in our countries they are not used to him, and not many appreciate. If you succeed in finding a recipe for yourself to your liking, you will get not only a delicious dish, but also many beneficial substances. And you can cook tofu even at home.



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