Ranetks are small and very tasty apples that love very much. Unfortunately, they quickly "depart" enough, so you can enjoy fresh ranets relatively long. Let's talk today about what you can cook from the ranets for the winter.
Adzhika from Ranetok
Did you know that from the ranets you can cook not only jams and jams, but also a delicious, slightly acute adzhik, which will have to do with everyone who decides to try this adzhik. Such adzhik is kept very well, so you can enjoy adzhika throughout the year.
First you need to deal with ingredients for the preparation of Adzhika from Ranetas:
- Ranetki - 1 kg (main component in this recipe)
- Carrot - 1 kg (you need to choose a ripe and not too large so that it is juicy)
- Pepper Bulgarian - 1 kg
- Tomatoes - 1 kg (grade "Pink Bison" will be the best option)
- Gorky pepper - 90 g
- Garlic - 180 g
- Plant oil refined - 250 ml
- Vinegar - 200 ml
- Sugar and salt in equal proportions - to taste (in standard recipes of 200 g)
Preparation of adzhika from ranets begins with preparatory work:
- Prepare all the necessary ingredients so that they are at hand.
- Immediately need to prepare the container for Adzhika. To do this, jars must be rinsed under running water with soda (in this case, the soda is an important component in this matter).
- In wet, we put in a preheated oven, the covers should also be dried nearby. Heat the oven must be up to 150 degrees. In the oven at such a temperature to keep the floor liter banks for 12 minutes, and liter - at least 14 minutes.
Ingredients on the table, banks are prepared, now you can proceed directly to the process of making Ranetary Adzhika:
- First, wash all the vegetables, do it carefully.
- Cleaning garlic and carrots from the peel, it will be necessary to pull out all seeds from the pepper (gloves in such a process will not be superfluous).
- With tomatoes and apples, it is not necessary to remove the skirt, here it will be enough to get rid of the fruits. Cut from not small pieces (so that they go into the hole in the meat grinder).
- First we skip garlic through the meat grinder, then grinding the carrot, tomatoes, sharp peppers and Bulgarians in the same way.
- The Ranetki will "go" the meat grinder.
- All crushed products can be placed in one container. It must be deep.
- Mashed out of crushed products need to be pouring in the dishes, which can be placed on fire, and slower. Prepare in this pace you need within an hour.
- It is necessary to stir this puree constantly so that it does not stick to the saucepan.
- You can add sugar sand, salt, vinegar, sunflower oil and mix everything in the container. After boiling - turn off the fire.
- You do not need to wait for the cooling of such adjustments, immediately after turning off the burner, you can start pouring it from sterilized banks.
- You need to pour Adzhik to banks for the most thoroughly so that Condensate is not formed in a free place.
When Adzhika on the banks are spilled, covers are closed, getting a warm blanket, and it will be necessary to shoot hot jars. Exposing them down the covers. We wrap in the blanket very well and in such a form we leave them to complete cooling.
After Adzhika in the banks will completely cool, it must be stored in a dark and cold place. The shelf life of such an adjustment for more than two years, so it will be still long to be cooked by the cooked adzhika.
The advantages of cooking such adzhik are:
- simple products
- easy cooking
- adjik preparation efficiency
- delicious and sharp dish
- for a long time enough
Adjika can be prepared, now you can and in a sweet, consider in detail the recipe of pastes from the ranets.
Fasting from Ranetok
Not only the shelled itself is very tasty, and if it is from the ranets, it is also useful. It must be said that she was falling out of these apples, it turns out very tasty and no worse than from any other variety of apples.
Immediately, I would like to note that the process of cooking grazing from the ranets will not be too fast, because the berries in itself are not large, it means that it will be forgotten with them longer.
Sugar for pastily needs to be added solely to its taste, there is no accurate number in this recipe. If you do not welcome sugar in sweets, then you can simply sprinkle with sugar powder (it can be bought in the store in the finished form). If you make a shelter of sour variety apples, then sugar is better not excluded from the recipe.
We will proceed to consider all the necessary ingredients for the preparation of delicious soft and fragrant grazing pasteles:
- Ranetki - 1 kg
- Water net - 110 g
- Sugar - 250 g
The cooking process is as follows:
- First, my apples under running water. We cut them into several parts and get rid of unnecessary internals. Pour the amount of water specified in the recipe in deep dishes and there they put apple cut in half. We put it all on a slow fire and leave in this form for 15 minutes so that the apples become softer.
- Now the softened apples will need to grind in a blender (bring them to the state of puree).
- After grinding, they will need to still slaughter for 12 minutes, and then lay it on the stuffed papers with a puree thin layer.
- In the oven preheated to 80 degrees, put the baking sheet with an apple puree and leave for 9 hours.
- When apple puree is very easy to separate from parchment, it means grazing is ready.
- Cut the finished sweetness with small stripes and we can turn them into the tubes or other forms that you may like.
This is so simple of the three ingredients you can prepare a delicious and very soft, useful sweetness.