As it turns out, the tasty wine can be made not only from various grape varieties - various types of apples can be used as the main raw material for such a drink. Wine is an alcoholic drink that can be very simple and without any problems at home, the main thing is to know from what to do and how this process is produced. Let's discuss your home cooking from the ranets today.
Alcoholic beverage use of apples
Usually, the Ranetks give a very good harvest and that the apples do not disappear and have not rotted on Earth from them you can make a very tasty and all other, useful drink. Among other things, from this variety of apples you can make various billets for the winter, including jams and jams. As for wine from this variety of apples, there is nothing complicated here - the recipe is simple. Like the method of its preparation itself, so you do not need to be an experienced winery so that you have such a drink. With the task, even a beginner can cope.
If you choose the right recipe (and today there are a lot more), Toga you will prepare not only fragrant apple wine, but also a very useful drink that will keep all the beneficial properties of the main ingredients. Remember, in the correct recipes, the fermentation process of such a drink should pass naturally.
The main useful components of the Ranetok are:
- Potassium
- Of various types of vitamins
- Fruit type acids
It should also be noted that in the composition of the drinks under consideration of proteins and fats, there is practically no, and therefore the caloric content of wine from the ranetocks is low, which cannot but rejoice in people who follow this indicator in all products and drinks.
Do not forget that the wine from the under consideration of the apple is to all of the time, also excellent, effective antioxidant. The mood when it rises at times, and, very quickly, because it is considered a low-alcohol, and also eliminates the body and the brain from fatigue and various kinds of voltage. Irritation as hand is removed.
Whatever useful this drink is, it is impossible to abuse them in any way, but if you drink it regularly and gradually, then the digestive system will work as a clock, and the appetite wake up at the time you need. An important advantage of drinking such a drink is the stabilization of pressure in the arteries, and the operation of blood circulation is ensured.
Verified wine recipe from ranetas
After we found out all the properties of the type of wine. Let's talk about how to properly cook such a drink and what you need to know. In order to get perfect wine. It is necessary to strictly follow the recipe described below, so be patient, as well as some very important components that will be useful in the process in question:
Ranetki grade apples. This is the basis of our drink, so replace this component with nothing, because without it will not work out that we want to cook.
Barrel made of oak boards. This is the perfect option for cooking wine from apples, but if you can not get such a barrel anywhere. In the extreme case, take a twentyalite glass bottle (it should be very thick and durable).
Now find out all the nuances of the process and the sequence of actions in it:
- To start the Ranetka you need to go through. Remember that firing apples and deformed for wine will not fit.
- When you calibrated fruit. It is necessary to rinse them thoroughly, and only after that fall asleep them into the meat grinder for careful grinding.
- The mass that turned out after the grinding, it is necessary to lay out neatly in the barrel.
- Add purified water to the fruit mass (it will be half needed it than crushed ranetocks).
- Do not forget the sugar, it will need to add 60 g per kilogram of the resulting composition (water + Ranetki).
- After the manipulations have done, it is mandatory to leave for several days a container with future wine in a warm place (usually this process should not last more than 5 days, and maybe less). In the room where the vessel will stand with a cooked mixture, the temperature indicators should not be below 23 degrees of heat.
- During this period of time, the mezga is already quite good to wander, so that this moment is considered the most convenient time to strain the mixture, and the liquid is pouring into a glass bottle.
- You need to add water to the resulting juice (it must be clean). The proportions should be as follows - by 1 kg of mezgi add one and a half liters of water.
- It's time for a few days to put the future of wine in place in place. It will be enough to withstand three days in this room.
- Now it will be necessary to squeeze the mezdu very well, but the fluid must necessarily be carefully filtered.
- Juice. Which was prepared in the first half of the process need to be mixed with a filtered liquid, after which the sugar shelter should be added there or sugar.
- If you have a desire to make dessert wine, then the amount of sugar sand can be increased to 850 g.
- Now the whole liquid in which sugar was dissolved is necessary to pour into an oak barrel and close tightly (often for such purposes, the shunt for fermentation is used).
- Leave this barrel indoors, where the temperature can range from 16 to 22 degrees of heat. The optimal shelf life in this room is 10 days, after which you will need to add remaining sugar sand.
We rearrange our barrel with wort to the room in order, where the temperature is not higher than 13 degrees of heat and keep it there a month. After that, we spill on the bottle and treat our guests.