How to make wine from rowan at home

How to make wine from rowan at home

Wine is considered an exquisite drink that has to taste to many. Someone can say that for the most part this drink is female, but in fact it is not so, because they drink it and love very much. You can prepare the seeded drink from various ingredients, and the opinion that only grapes can perform in the only component for this. Today we will look at how at home to make wine from Ryabina.

Properties of Yagoda

Rowan is a berry that matches late autumn and if it seems to you that at the end of the summer, she has already become ripe, this opinion is erroneous, because it will be poured by juice until the last days of autumn. It should be noted that the berry under consideration is used everywhere in folk medicine, because it is actually a panacea from all troubles. The use of berries in its pure form is made only after the first frosts hit or after storing it in the freezer, then how bitterness from berries goes after exposure to low temperatures.

useful such a berry is if there is in the body:

  • problems with blood
  • arthritis
  • high blood pressure
  • level cholesterol

It should be noted that it is possible to use juice from rowan, both in pure form and in diluted. Among other things, you can also cook delicious berries and that most importantly, useful wine.

It is worth noting that rowan for wine can be used both wild and homework, everything will depend on the view that is in the presence and preferences of the manufacturer. It turns out that problems with the raw material will not arise, because the rowan is growing everywhere, both in the territory of settlements and beyond.

Today to cook wine at home is not a problem, for this you will not need any special devices nor special skills and skills, the main thing is that before your eyes there are instructions for cooking, as well as all the necessary ingredients for wine.

If you ever prepared wine from grapes, then you may not even doubt that you will be good to prepare and wine from Ryabina.

Nuances of cooking

It is necessary to immediately say that the berries from the tree is necessary only after the first frosts hit. It is such berries that contain a large number of ascorbic acid, so you can not doubt that they will be useful for your body even in the form of wine.

It is proved by specialists that wine from Red Rowan is an excellent medicine from many ailments, and most importantly, its regular use contributes to good blood circulation, so that such a drink will become particularly useful in the winter, cold period.

For those who suffer from intestinal problems - the drink under consideration will also become an excellent medicine, because you will be cleaned very well, but at the same time, very soft.

The only contraindication in this case is such a drink cannot be used to people who suffer from such a non-frequently found disease as homophilia.

Do not also forget that the drink under consideration requires exposure. It turns out that the more he insists, the more tastier and it will be more useful. This rule should take into account in the process of cooking such a drink.

Cooking wine from red rowan

Most often from the berries under consideration there are quite strong wines or dining rooms. Ingredients that will be needed to prepare wine from Ryabina:

  • Rowan - 2.2 kg (exclusively used berries without twigs)
  • Sugar sand - 2.2. kg (there is no accurate number here, because in this case the ingredient is added to taste)
  • Some winemakers, fans experiment, add other juices to juice from the rowan juice (for example, apples or cranberries) and only then from such mixtures do wine.
  • It is worth noting immediately that today there are many cooking technologies, and today we will look at the simple and efficient itself.
  • Water - 8.2 l (purified)
  • Ammonium chloride - for each obtained liter wort, we must add 0.4 g of the component

The preparation method is as follows:

  • Tarry slightly frozen berries from a tree. God give them a little.
  • As soon as all the ice comes with them, we are well under running water, you can warm.
  • Boiling water and throw in the dishes for 35 minutes, after which it is necessary to quickly get them and shift them all the mass in the glass container.
  • The next step is to fall asleep sugar, after that, add water.
  • The next ingredient, which is added to the saucepan - raisins (immediately can be replaced by ammonium). All mix well, after which it will be necessary to close the bottle of rubber glove.
  • Do not forget to pierce the hole in one of the fingers. We put in a warm room and leave our wine to wander. When the process went, add sugar residue.
  • When the fermentation process is over, it is obligatory to immediately strain wine and pour from glass tanks.
  • You do not need to immediately start using this drink, because it needs to be broken (as a real grape guilt).

Now you know how to make wine from red rowan. As it became clear from the above information, this wine is very simple, so you can try, the experiment will be necessary. It is delicious, useful and very simple.

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