How to make wine from the tern at home

How to make wine from the tern at home

The thorns wine is beneficial from purchased by unusual color and aroma. In addition, he has a feature that makes it literally unique - it is a disinfecting effect on the body in various infections. Wine-cooked wine from Tern will be a pleasant addition to any festive table.

Wine from Tern with raisins

A recipe that includes the use of raisins is called "Ceingless". The wine thus cooked in this way slowly, but his taste acquires a pleasant fragrance and becomes more pleasant.
For thorns wines with raisins, it will be necessary:

  • 5 kg of berry
  • 3 kg of sugar
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 250 g of raisum


  1. Water is poured into the prepared container where wine will be prepared. Raisins move and remove the frozen and small garbage, but the berries themselves do not wash. It is shown in the same container where water is contained. They take an enameled container and fall asleep sugar, poured with water and keep on low heat before boiling.
  2. Sugar syrup is not immediately removed from the fire - he is allowed to make a breath of 5 minutes until the foam stops. After that, the enameled dishes are removed from the fire and give the syrup to cool up to 20 degrees at least, then it is transfused to Iisum and mix well.
  3. Torn berries are washed and moved to remove the garbage. Then they fall asleep them into the enameled saucepan, poured with water and put on a small fire. Turn is boiled, stirring while the skin of the berries will not burst. After that, a saucepan with a berry mixture is removed from the fire and cozen. Berries, together with spokened juice, pour into the container, where the syrup was overflowed.
  4. The syrup with berries is mixed, covered with a folded in several layers of gauze and put it in heat. There it should chase about a week, 5 days at least.
  5. After the meal pops up, the boiling juice is filtered from the sediment and overflow into a clean container. The bottle is best suited for a bottle with a narrow throat, because it will have to be closed with a gas and rubber glove with a puncture finger. In such a state of Braga should be a month, while fermentation fails.
  6. After that, the wine is carefully drained, trying not to disturb the precipitate, in the bottles in which it will spend 3 months in a dark and cool place. After that, the thorns can be drunk.

Recipe for winemaker technology

In fact, the yeast is needed for the preparation of any wine, but the winemakers use wild yeast. There are not only on the berries of grapes, but in that whites on the skin of the berry of the Tern. That is why after collecting them are not washed.

  1. The collected Tern berries is rolling, evenly distributed the berries on newspaper leaves. The same good result can be obtained if you give berries to warm on the sun or hold a couple of days in a cool room. Before the moment when the yeast colony is strengthened, there must be 2 or 3 days since the berry collection.
  2. When they exist, the berries shift enamelled capacity and crushed with their hands or with the help of a pestle in mashed potatoes. It is necessary that no berry does not survive.
    The resulting puree is shifted into the bottle and fill the warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. After that, the throat is closed with a plug of wool and insist wine warm to 3 days. During this time, the juice will have time to fall, and the mezga will rise.
  3. In addition, foam and smell will appear, indicating the beginning of the fermentation process. After that, the hat from the foam begin to remove once every 2 hours, otherwise there is a risk that wort will scatter. After another 3 days, the juice is moved into a separate bottle, periody through a colander, and then repeating the process of cleansing using fine sieve. The flesh of the flesh is pressed and the resulting juice is also filled with a sieve.
  4. Water adds to the recipe, but taking into account already added water. The glass of wort is also distinguished, the sugar is dissolved in it and gradually add this mixture to juice. For sweet throat wine at 3.5 liters of juice, 800 g of sugar and 0.5 liters of water are needed.
  5. Next, the wort is moved to a new bottle, filling it with three quarters - a foam is distinguished during fermentation, which will fill the residue. From above are closed with a glove with a punctured index finger and rearrange the bottle where the temperature is about 18 degrees. The sun rays should not go there.
  6. For dry or semi-dry thorns, 250 g of sugar are needed per liter of wort. For dessert wine it will be required 100 g more.
  7. Wine from Turn wanders 40 days. At this time, they do not touch it in order not to stir up. If you want to do a strong wine, then the remaining 400 g of sugar on the recipe contributes portion, with a difference of 5 or 7 days. Thanks to this, the wine will be able to better discard the wine and his fortress will increase. Breeding wine dragged carefully, not Balanut's precipitate. It is done with the help of a flexible hose.
  8. After the stage of preparation of wine is called "quiet fermentation". The young wine is poured into the tank almost toast and again cover it with a glove with a punctured index finger. After 2-3 days, the glove is cleaned, the container is blocked and rearranged into the cool place where the rays of the sun are not falling. Recommend to merge wine into a new container once every 2 weeks to avoid the drainage of the sediment, but he will no longer give bitterness.
  9. After 4 months, the wine will be light and completely ready. It can be poured into final containers, clog and store for special occasions or open on the same day.

In the preparation of wine from the Tern there is nothing complicated. The most important thing is to gain patience and accurately follow the selected recipe.

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