How to make white wine

How to make white wine

White wine in moderate doses brings a huge benefit of human body. It improves the work of the brain, prevents the development of cancer tumors, reduces the risk of stroke. Only 100 g. There will increase wine at dinner, normalizes the process of digestion. The dessert drink is called the elixir of youth, as it slows down the aging of the cells. White wine can be purchased at any grocery store. But are you sure of his naturalness? Then we advise you to prepare a noble drink at home.

Vintage grapes for white wine

As you know, the dessert drink is prepared exclusively of white grapes. But not all varieties can be used for winemaking.

  • aligote grapes (one of the most sought-after grape varieties, its berries ripen among the first, have a light taste of a pleasant kitty, suitable for the manufacture of white table wine);
  • grapes Muscat White (the most sought-after grape variety in Russia, although the care for it is quite complex, from berries you can cook magnificent sweet wine);
  • riesling grapes (the grade is well acclimatized to any conditions, it is recommended to make dry white wine from berries);
  • chardonnia grapes (from berries of this variety you can cook wine with completely different tastes).

White semi-sweet wine at home

In Russia, precisely semi-sweet wine is very popular. Ladies prefer such a drink, men still prefer fastened wines, but after cooking a drink on this recipe, you can increase its fortress yourself.

Required ingredients:

  • white grapes - 5 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1.5 kg;
  • chicken Egg protein - 1 pc.

If you want to get more wine, the number of ingredients must be increased in equal proportions.

  • 1 step - Prepare the container in which you will cook and withstand wine (containers can be glass, ceramic or wooden, the use of plastic containers is not allowed), bottle is carefully flushed and sterilized;
  • 2 step - berries thoroughly go over (too ripe grapes can make wine with muddy, and rotten - completely spoil the taste);
  • 3 Step - Prepared by grapes Move into a deep pelvis and start the kneading manually (you can also use a manual blender or barrel);
  • 4 step - Continue the thrill until a sufficient amount of juice is obtained (try so that the juice does not splash during operation);
  • 5 step - a pelvis tightly cover marks and remove into a warm dark place for 5 days;
  • 6 Step - Writing Juice Separated from Mezgi with gauze or sieves (mezga will no longer need);
  • 7 step - the juice is pouring into a sterilized container, we add sugar and slightly tear down (at this stage the liquid will be muddy);
  • 8 step - to put on a medical glove on a bottle (in one of the "fingers" to make a hole), soon the glove is inflated (so it should be, at this time there is a fermentation process);
  • 9 step - a bottle is cleaned into a dark place without drafts;
  • 10 Step - Wait for the completion of the fermentation stage (the glove "falls"), you have already ready for younger wine;
  • 11 Step - White wine must be brought to the drink to be transparent, to do so, beat the egg protein and pour it into wine (after 7-10 hours the wine will become light);
  • 12 Step - a young drink in glass bottles and remove into a cool place for 1-2 months to improve taste.

There is also another way to clarify the dessert alcoholic beverage. Take 1 package gelatin and pour it into warm water (approximately 50 ml.), Interfere with complete dissolution. With the help of a medical syringe, enter the resulting mass into the young wine. The drink will be transparent after 24 hours. Do not worry that gelatin can spoil the taste, the finished white wine will have an initial exquisite taste.

We advise you to experiment with taste additives. You can add vanilla, ginger, carnation and other spices to white wine.

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