What can be made from cookies?

What can be made from cookies?

Love desserts, but you do not have time to cook them often? Take a look at the shopping biscuit. It can be the basis of delicious sweet dishes. You can surprise them not only your loved ones, but serve them even on a festive desk guests. They will be delighted with exquisite taste and do not gues anything that the time for the manufacture of cake has left "Nothing".

Cake "Saint Cookie

For this sweet dish, you will need conventional shortbread type "Jubilee".

  • Cookies for korzhi - 600 g
  • Cookies for putting up - 100 g
  • Sour cream 20% fat content - 300 g
  • Sugar loose - 5 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 bag
  • Condensed milk - 100 ml


  1. With the help of condensed milk, glue 600 g of cookies 2 pieces. This is necessary in order for the cake in the context to have pronounced sandy layers. If you will put cookies in one layer, then the cookie will dissolve and the cake will look not very presentable.
  2. Sour cream with vanilla and ordinary sugar. If the sour cream you will take a lower fat, then with its whipping, be sure to add a special thickener bag for cream.
  3. 100 g of cookies Perform a rolling pin to the condition of the crumb. For crumbs you can take a chocolate cookie - the cake will be more elegant.
  4. The bottom of a wide dish is slightly smeared by sour cream. This procedure will not allow the liver to slide on the dish and the cake will be very convenient to cut.
  5. Place the first layer of baked condensed milk. Depending on how wide you have a dish, cookies can put 3 single row (the cake will be square) or 3 and 4 (the cake will be rectangular).
  6. Cookies are smeared with sour cream and put on it a second layer of double cookies.
  7. Collect the whole cake, alternating layers of glued cookies and sour cream. You must have a top layer. Cream Do you and side surfaces of the cake.
  8. Side and top spray with crumbs from cookies.
  9. Put the cake for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator, and then apply it to tea. If the cake is designed for guests, then decorate it with berries.

Cake "Hut" from cookies

Cookies, too, take the sandy (300 g). Still back by such products:

  • Cottage cheese of any fatness - 400 g
  • Cream for whipping - 50 ml
  • Gelatin instant - 10 g
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Tsukata or Marmalade - 150 g
  • Chocolate black - 100 g
  • Milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Creamy oil - 1 tbsp.

Cooking technology:

  1. Gelatin will fill with three spoons of hot water and let him swell.
  2. Cottage cheese over the metal sieve and mix it with cream, sugar and prepared gelatin. Mass sweep the blender.
  3. In the resulting cream, put finely chopped candies or small pieces of marmalade.
  4. Cutting board with a food film.
  5. Place the cookie tightly to a friend. You must have a rectangle, whose narrow side will consist of 3 square cookies, and wide - from 6.
  6. Put all cream on the cookie. If you want, you can sprinkle with small pieces of chocolate. But chocolate take another, and not the one you have prepared for the glaze.
  7. Raising the edge of the food film along the long edge of the future cake, form a long triangular object from cookies and cream. Fix the film around this triangular bar and send it to the fridge at night.
  8. In the morning, remove the entire film from the resulting hut. Make it very carefully at the moment when the film will be pulled out from below.
  9. Melt the chocolate tile on the steam bath and add milk and butter to it.
  10. Lubricate the cake with the resulting icing. Decorate at will or retain just black.

Fast pastry cakes

This dessert looks very nice if you will do it from a round biscuit. Cookies can take any: sandy, gallery, biscuit, fresh.

  1. Fold three-hours of round biscuits, lubricating each of any cream or jam.
  2. Top cookies, too, smear anything thick and decorate the nuts, coconut chips, fresh berries.

For lubrication will suit cream cream, boiled condensed milk, protein cream, ready-made chocolate paste, berry jam.

Cupcakes "Potato" from cookies

Surprisingly delicious dessert, which came up with Soviet pastry, when they had no place to be given to the remains of the dough baked for other products. Potatoes can be made from any cookie, but the best for the cupcakes is suitable for sandy.

  1. Mix 1/2 cup of sugar and 2/3 cup of milk. Cook milk syrup. In warm syrup, put 80 g of butter creamy and mix until uniformity.
  2. 300 cookies chop in a blender to the state of shallow crumbs. If you want, then a small part of the cookies, break your hands on larger fractions - then in the cakes you will come across individual pieces.
  3. Crushed cookies Mix with three spoons of dry cocoa.
  4. In the bowl, lay out the prepared dry and wet mass. Also add 1 tablespoon of alcohol (rum, cognac, liquor). If the cakes are also children, do not add alcohol.
  5. Mass in the bowl thoroughly mix and form cakes from it, in shape resembling medium potatoes. Observe pastries in cocoa powder or sugar powder.
  6. Before feeding, hold the dessert 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

Sweet cookie sausage

This dessert is very tasty and original. It is done quite easily, but adults and children love it.

  1. 200 g of sand cookies Grind into powder - use a blender. After another 200 g of the same cookies, break with your hands until the size of the raisum.
  2. 1 cup of roasted walnuts also grind, as well as the second part of the cookie. Nuts mix with all prepared cookies.
  3. 180 g of sugar and 4 tablespoons of cocoa mix. Pour 5 large spoons of milk to them and put a bowl on the stove. Wait until the mass becomes hot and homogeneous. Remove the cream from the fire and give it a little cool.
  4. 200 g of soft butter Cut into cubes and enter it into cream. Mix thoroughly.
  5. The resulting chocolate cream mass lay out in a bowl, where chopped cookies and nuts are located. All gently mix, but so that large pieces of cookies remain integer.
  6. From this semi-finished product, make a long sausage - roll it on a cutting board.
  7. Wrap the sausage in the film or foil and put the fridge overnight.
  8. When the dessert hardens, free it from the shell and cut the circles.

Another dessert that you can do with the use of cookies is called cheesecake. In the original it is preparing on a pre-baked sandy attachment, but in this video the hostess makes it using crushed cookies.

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