How to make cookie cake?

How to make cookie cake?

There are a lot of various cake recipes, in fact it is impossible to find them. Everyone chooses herself that recipe that he soul. Today we will talk about the recipes of cakes from cookies. In this case, the baking process is facilitated by the fact that the main component is ready, and therefore, this cooking will take a long time. Here we go!

General principles

Some desperate housewives believe that the cake from beginning to end should be made by their own hands - all creams, dough, etc. Those who do not want to spend a huge amount of time to prepare yummy for their households or guests choose the option easier, but at the same time, no less delicious, namely, cooking cake from cookies. The main positive criterion for the preparation of such sweetness is to save time and strength, because the oven does not have to.

Another feature of the preparation of such a cake, the ability to attract your little child to cook, which will be interested to help your mother, and the cake prepared by the child is even tastier. It is also very important that, in principle, all the necessary ingredients are always at hand and do not have to run into a special supermarket with rare products to please their favorite taste.

For those who do not know how to cook or just started learning to this case, there is a great news - to spoil such a cake is almost impossible, so this is your chance to show what you are capable of. Despite all the simplicity and elementality of these recipes, the appearance as the taste of such products is simply magnificent, without exaggeration.

Preparing cakes from cookies, you can experiment and invent your recipes, adding various stuffing and cream, so there will be a job for professional cooking. You can even simply change the grade of cookies, and the cake will get completely different taste.

Preparation of products

As, probably, it became clear from the information presented above, the main component, that is, the main, the cakes under consideration is, of course, cookies:

  • If in the recipe it is indicated that it will be necessary to lay out the cake from one-piece cookies, do not forget that it is necessary to pacify it, you can in milk, can be in coffee (here is already an amateur).
  • If the recipe states that the cake base is crushed cookies, then it can be scrolled through a meat grinder.
  • If cottage cheese is mentioned in the recipe for cake from cookies, remember that it is better not to press this ingredient, because the finished product will ultimately be too dry.

Banana cake

This recipe loves very many, because the cake is extremely gentle, tasty, straight-melting in the mouth. Among other things, this cake can be eaten both adults and children, so this sweetness for everyone. We will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of crackers, in this case you can use salted
  • 4 medium sized banana
  • liter of low-fat sour cream
  • shelves of sugar powder (also sugar will also go)
  • 150 grams of chocolate, better dairy

Prepare such a cake is a pleasure and time a lot will not leave:

  1. First, we combine sugar powder and sour cream, beat these ingredients, after which it will be necessary to cut the bananas with small and rather thin circles.
  2. Crackers are pre-wrapped in milk so that they are a little softer. It is also impossible to overdo it in this matter, because toootched crackers contribute to the spreading of the cake, which already affects its taste and, of course, appearance.
  3. Pull out the excreted crackers laid out on the dish, you need to smear a thin layer with a thin layer and lay out a layer of banana circles. And thus, we repeat all the layer behind the layer, until then. Until the ingredients are completed.
  4. To make a delicious and beautiful cake, it is best to observe a chess order, that is, a banana put on cookies and, on the contrary.

Made a masterpiece adorn milk chocolate. Speaking it on the top of the cake. There is such a cake in the refrigerator should not less than 1.5 hours. After that, he is ready to eat.

Cake "Cookies and Custard"

Immediately from the name it becomes clear that such a simple, as the previous one, this recipe will not clearly. It is also worth noting that the fact that it will have to tinker with him, because the important component of the cake under consideration is a custard, which should be light and gentle, so we can say that this recipe is not for lazy, unambiguously.

The process of cooking such a cake is quite time-consuming, but believe me, the efforts are worth it. Consider the ingredients that we need to prepare this amazing cake:

  • The usual cookie is 300 grams (you can choose a foiled milk, it is easier to cope with it, and it is very soft).
  • Butter creamy, it will be needed as much as cookies.
  • Sugar sand is 300 grams, if there is ordinary sugar, you can use it.
  • Milk, as you could guess, also 300 grams. In this case, it is recommended to use homemade milk, because the milk in cutterpackers are categorically different from the present. And that the cake is perfect, it is better to use a natural product.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • 2.5 Glasses of walnuts (purified)
  • Vanillin and potato flour on a teaspoon

If you follow the instructions for the preparation of this cake, it should turn out perfect, lavnoe do everything as indicated in a detailed recipe:

  1. A glass of milk is taking to a boil. Here we add a teaspoon of flour, pre-divorced in a glass of warm milk. Cook this mixture until it becomes thick, after retaining aside for cooling.
  2. We combine the following ingredients: oil, egg and sugar and pour it all into the already cooled mixture.
  3. Grind cookies. There are many ways for this, right up to manual grinding, but the most convenient way is the electric meat grinder. So, when the cookies are crushed, add it to the previously made cream and well-brake all stir.
  4. The selected shape for the cake must be sent to the washed paper, after which it neatly pour out the finished mass into the form. To make the shape of the cake, it is necessary to dissolve the mass with a knife, then put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We sprinkle the finished cake with nuts, it will give him completeness and excellent aftertaste. Here is the ready-to-eat cake.

Fruit cake

There is nothing easier and tastier of that cake:

  • Sheltered cracker
  • Shelter sour cream degrees
  • Pack gelatin
  • 150 grams of sugar powder
  • Fruits - 2 Banana, 2 Orange, 2 Kiwi, 1 Apple
  • Berries (optional)

Cooking a cake:

  1. We divorce gelatin, as indicated in the instructions on a pack.
  2. Fruits clean from the peel and cut into small pieces. If the berries are used, they need to be washed and dried.
  3. We mix ready gelatin, sugar, sour cream, fruit, mix it all.
  4. Crackers are fed to the mixture and spread to the selected dish for the cake.
  5. The remaining mass is pouring on top to the cake and decorate it all berries.

Cake ready!

Making delicious cakes is very simple, to all, even quickly, so do not be lazy to pay this lesson 40 minutes to please closely with delicious and beautiful products.

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