How to make leaks on chocolate cake?

How to make leaks on chocolate cake?

Do you like to cook cakes and decorate them? It's fine! But if you are tired of traditional roses from cream and banal walnut, then learn how to make chocolate leaks. They are now decorated with their masterpieces the most famous pastries and cakes them are elements of beauty and originality.

What is chocolate leaks?

The sublifting is formed when the liquid chocolate mass of uneven strips begins to drain from the edges of the cake along its sides and stroke in a natural position. Someone loves to flow more frequent and thin, someone - more voluminous and only in a small part of the side surface. Snorzka for the manufacture of this decoration comes with time, but at least the most simple to learn to do it.

There are many recipes for chocolate mass for inclination. Applied and conventional chocolate, and loose cocoa, and even a thick chocolate cream, which is usually used for snag on sandwiches. Naturally, that any mass is first plastic, and then beautifully frozen on the cake, other components are added to the main ingredient.

Chocolate Mass Recipe for Labels using conventional black chocolate

You will need such simple products:

  • Black chocolate with cocoa content of at least 70% - 100 g;
  • Packaged cream 10% fatty - 70 ml

How to prepare a lot:

  1. Chocolate break into small pieces. Put it in a glass or stainless bowl.
  2. To chocolate pour cold cream.
  3. Put the dishes with future cream on a water hot bath and, constantly stirring the contents, achieve its homogeneity and tightness.
  4. Instead of water can you use the microwave. Place a glass bowl into the oven several times, each time it is in just 30 seconds. After each individual warming, the mass thoroughly mix the spoon.
  5. Chocolate mass for decorating cake Use while she is still warm.

Chocolate Mass Recipe for Labels using cocoa powder


  • Cocoa powder - 4 teaspoons with top;
  • Creamy oil at least 80% fat - 50 g;
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons with a very small hill;
  • Milk with fatty 3.2% - 45 ml (3 tablespoons).


  1. In the bucket with a thick bottom mix all cocoa and sugar.
  2. Add milk to them and half the oil. Oil before this slightly soften.
  3. Knucking put on the most minimal fire or on a water bath.
  4. Constantly having content, add oil residues into it. Do it at that moment when the first portion of the oil completely melts.
  5. As soon as the chocolate cream in the bucket becomes plastic, brilliant and without individual grains, retain it from the stove and begin to decorate a cake.

Chocolate Mass Recipe for Labels using a chocolate cream from can

You can use this chocolate mass when you absolutely do not have time for cooking chocolate or cocoa cream. The most important thing is to choose a conventional chocolate cream in a jar without adding nuts. Gram 100 pastes put into a cup and melt it on a water bath or in the microwave to the state of the yield.

Preliminary work before applying chocolate leaks on a cake

So that items on your cake turned out to be neat, follow these rules.

  • After the full assembly of the cake and the destruction of its top and the sides of the thick cream, the latter align with a culinary spatula. All surfaces should get smooth.
  • Put the cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator - it should be completely cold.
  • Chocolate mass for inclusions Cool (if it is strongly hot) or warm out on a water bath (if it has already managed to frozen) to a thick, but fluid state.

Technologies for applying chocolate inclination on the cake

There are three types of application of fluid chocolate mass per cake:

  • With the help of confectionery, a fairly convenient method, but if you have skill working with this kitchen gadget. Thus, you can leave the middle of the cake and decorate the top of any suitable decor.

  • With the help of a regular spoon. The disadvantage of this method is that in a spoon you can recruit quite a bit of cream. The main mass of chocolate will cool at this time and it will have to periodically warm up to the desired temperature.

  • With the help of a culinary spatula. The method is very convenient, because on the cake you can pour the entire warm cream at once, and then carefully disperse it and send it to the edges so that it starts to flock.

Some chocolate leaks on the cake are beautiful, but a little boring. Do not forget to use fresh berries, nuts, fine cookies, candied fruit - they are wonderful combined with chocolate not only in tastes, but also in appearance. Examples of cake decorating you can see in this video.

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