How often do you turn on the bed in your diet? If you do not remember when this purple-red or yellow root root was last time, you need to immediately start consuming it. The coarse has exceptional nutritional value; Especially the tops, which is rich in calcium, iron and vitamins A and C. Kornemplod is rich in folic acid, fiber, manganese and potassium. Sweet root is often added as an ingredient for salads, soups and pickles, as well as used as a natural dye.
Will help in detoxification
The bed is considered a natural cleaner. It detoxifies the human body, deriving harmful toxins into the colon. The juice from the root is stimulated by the production of red blood cells, and increases endurance. To achieve good cleaning results, it is best to drink fresh juice in the morning. Prepare it from the following ingredients:
- Sweets - 1 pc.
- Apple -1 pcs.
- Carrots - 4 pcs.
- Celery - 1 pc.
- Ginger - 1 part (thickness 2.5 cm)
Pectin in apples helps to destroy toxins. Carrots reliably protect the liver from harmful radicals, and celery strengthens it. Sweet juice contains antioxidant, called glutathione, which protects the liver from damage. It stimulates the regeneration of the cells of the vital gland and improves the synthesis of fats.
2) beet diet
It is no secret that vegetables and fruit helps to lose weight. Although the root plant is famous for its sweetness, but it contains few calories and there are no fats. Because of the large number of fiber and beatin, not only is being lost, but it takes place with the benefit for the body. Beatin helps to quickly quench the hunger, so the beet diets are very popular.
Take the ingredients:
- 2 Celery Stem,
- 1/2 cup of sliced \u200b\u200bbeds,
- coriander for decoration
- a pinch of salt.
Grind celery stalks and swear, and then throw them into a blender. Pour juice into the glass and add a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly and decorate coriander leaves.
Warn dementia
This state is usually observed in the elderly. It is expressed by the loss of cognitive functions, which leads to a violation of memory, a change in personality and erroneous arguments. It was observed that the supply of oxygen into the brain significantly increases with constant use of beet juice.
Reduces congenital defects
Sweet root must be in the diet of each pregnant. The cooler includes folate, which is necessary for the proper development of the spinal cord of the fetus. The deficiency of vitamin C can lead to changes in the nervous tube of the baby.
Prevent cancer diseases
The root juice has in its composition of betacianine pigments that do not give to develop cancer cells. The use of vegetable fluid inhibits cellular mutations. Cancer cells react poorly to an elevated level of oxygen, and the root of the root increases its admission to cells.
Prevention of hair loss
Application of conventional swings slows hair loss, as it is a good source of potassium. His deficit in the body negatively affects the state of the hairproof. With the help of the root, get rid of dandruff and remove the itchy of the skin. You can boil a little coat in water and use the concentrated liquid for rubbing into the skin. The other composition is also applied to the skin, mixing the burgundy roofing juice with vinegar and ginger juice. Leave for 20 minutes and wash off.
Burgundy root roof is considered an aphrodisiac or sex amplifier. This is partly due to the fact that it contains a mineral boron that increases the production of genital hormones. The use of coarse can enhance libido, raise the fertility, improve sperm mobility and reduce frigidity.
Fights with constipation
A reliable way to avoid constipation is considered to receive products rich in fiber. One cup of the grated burgundy root produces about 4 g of dietary fiber, which reduces the risk of constipation and hemorrhoids. Betaine, found in the root, also improves digestion. Remember that urine and chair after receiving a vegetable become pink.
Respiratory Disease Protection
Since the coarse is a source of vitamin C, it has a positive effect on the immune system. The use of red vegetable causes the activity of leukocytes, which reliably protect the body from viruses and bacteria.
How to turn on the bed in your diet?
It is possible to eat a root in the food, cooked on a pair, boiled marinated or raw.
- Salad of swear. Add the sliced \u200b\u200bsalted pieces of vegetable into a plate with a beloved salad and decorate the cheese.
- Make beet juice, connecting it with orange Fresh, mint leaves, pineapple or apple.
- Grind the fresh root, and then add it to the cabbage or in your favorite salad.
- Cut the crude root and serve it with lemon juice by sprinkling Chile powder.
- Do not throw out beet leaves, because they are rich in iron and calcium. Daily, men need 120 μg of vitamin K, women - 90 μg, and a glass of crushed tops contains 152 μg of the compound. The leaves can be prepared as spinach, but they have a slightly bitter taste compared to a sweet bulb.
You see, so useful for health familiar to us rootpode, so be sure to enter it into your diet.