Vinegar from fungus on the legs

Vinegar from fungus on the legs

Fight fungus is a very unpleasant and irritant disease. In addition to skin lesions, itching and painful sensations arise. Eliminate this problem will help the usual vinegar. In this article we will look at how to get rid of the feet fungus with vinegar.

How vinegar helps to treat feet fungus

The fact is that acetic acid is able to affect fungal disputes that are very afraid of an acidic medium. To eliminate the fungus, you can use 9% table vinegar. This agent is especially important at the initial stages of the disease. If the fungus managed to progress greatly, you will need drug treatment at which vinegar can also be used. Remember that if there are wounds or damage on your feet, you must wait for their healing and only then apply vinegar.

Acetic bath

This procedure is recommended in the evening, before bedtime. Take a small container and pour 1 liter of hot water there. Then add 100-150 ml of a table or apple vinegar. Pretty mix the liquid. Wash your feet with soap and lower them in the bath for 30 minutes. If the surface of the legs is strongly pinching, reduce the concentration of vinegar. And if you do not feel anything at all - it will increase it slightly. After the procedure, it is recommended not to wipe the legs, and wait until they dry themselves (so that the infection does not hit the towel).

Compresses from vinegar

Longer procedures are very effective. Consider several effective recipes:

  • Prepare clean socks from natural material. Moisten them in vinegar and dress all night. If you are hit by small areas of the skin, you can apply vinegar on socks directly in these places. In order not to stain bedding, wrap the socks in the cellophane and fix it with the help of the tape. In the morning, remove the compress and rinse the legs with warm water with the household soap. This procedure can be done every night, up to the elimination of the problem. Remember that for each procedure you will need clean socks, since disputes may turn out to be used.
  • You will need a chicken egg, 1 tsp. Dimethylftlatala, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l. acetic essence. In the process of whipping eggs, attach other components to it. Mix the mix thoroughly. The resulting tool can be stored in the refrigerator. Before bedtime, apply it to sore sections, top with a cleaner, and then clean socks. In the morning, remove the compress and wash your legs with soap.

Ointment from vinegar

Also for the treatment of the feet fungus, you can use healing ointments:

  • You will need glycerin and table vinegar. Mix these components in equal proportions and mix well. The resulting ointment daily apply for patients.
  • Prepare 30 g of eucalyptus oil, 1 tsp. Vinegar, 100 g of Calanechoe juice and 10 g of honey. Pretty mix all the components. Give the resulting ointment about 3 days in a dark cool place. Apply it to patients in the morning and in the evening.

Useful recommendations

The following recommendations will help you faster to get rid of fungus and prevent its emergence in the future:

  • During the treatment of fungus every time after taking the soul, disinfect the bath and the floor in it. Wear gloves and wipe the surfaces by chlorine. After that, throw away the rag and gloves.
  • During the disease it is very important that the feet are dry. If your legs often sweat, buy absorbing socks from cotton. They absorb moisture, leaving the feet in dryness and comfort.
  • Pay attention to leg hygiene. Make them daily and apply a moisturizing cream to the feet. It is recommended to change socks every day and twice a week to disinfect shoes.
  • Do not use other people's personal hygiene things - towel, socks, slippers, shoes, etc. This will prevent you from infection and will not allow the infection to other people.
  • Try to wear spacious shoes that passes air.
  • Strengthen immunity. With a healthy immunity, the body can quickly get rid of the fungus alone.

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When signs are found, the foot fungus take measures as soon as possible so that the infection can not spread further. In the launched form of the disease, folk remedies can hardly help. If the fungus does not pass for a long time, contact a dermatologist, which will assign suitable therapy.

Comments leave a comment
Dina 09/19/2019 at 9:42.

I used ... But something somewhere weakly helped me. I think that folk remedies in terms of treating fungus are not too good if we use them alone. In fact, the only thing that helped him finally get rid of it is Mizol (ordered at the, by the way, it is more convenient and cheaper), but as an additional action made the bathroom, but not with vinegar already, but with manganese. So this infection passed, thank God. Nogot again healthy and beautiful))


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