Recipe Buns in the oven

Recipe Buns in the oven

We all love to enjoy tasty baking. This is especially true, because each child has childhood childhood with grandmother's cakes, buns, etc. despite the fact that the shops are now a variety of baking, home cooking will always be in the first place. In order to prepare delicious pastries, it is enough just to have wonderful recipes in arsenal. In this article we will share with you several recipes for cooking buns in the oven.

Buns, as in childhood - recipe

We all remember the buns, which were taught in childhood. They were sold in school canteens, and in stores. And they were then a penny. But this taste was just divine, and the bun herself was so light and air that it was simply impossible to eat it. We want to share with you the recipe for those buns so that you can please your family with them, and even guests.

So, what we need to prepare this amazing baking:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • alcohol yeast - 25-30 g
  • salt - chipotch
  • sugar - 1-1.5 st
  • margarine - 100 g + 20 g for lubrication
  • eggs - 2 pcs. + 1 pc. For lubrication bun
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag
  • vanillin - 1 bag
  • flour - how much will

We proceed directly to the preparation of buns. To do this, we carry out the following:

  1. First of all, as in the preparation of any baking, we will make a kneading test. To do this, boil milk and cool it so that it becomes warm.
  2. Put yeast to warm milk and dissolve them with your hand so that there are no pieces left.
  3. Next, pour salt and sugar and vanillin into milk. Again, everyone is pretty mixed to the complete dissolution of bulk.
  4. Then in the resulting mass to work 2 eggs. Here, put 100 g of softened margarine, but not fused. By the way, instead of margarine, it is possible to take butter - it is, of course, more expensive, but buns will turn out an aroma with a pleasant creamy taste. Here you already see, based on your own opportunities. Stir the mass so that all components mixed together.
  5. Now start slowly pouring sifted flour and knead the dough. Mix the dough until it is to stick to the hands. But do not overdo it! The dough should be soft, and not "scored", then the buns will turn out very gentle and flavored and soft on the touch.
  6. Plush the bowl of flour, put the dough into it, cover with a towel and leave a "rest" in a warm place somewhere for an hour or two - time depends on how much you have warm in the room. During this time, the dough should "come up", because it is yeast.
  7. After that, take a baking sheet and smear it by Margarine. Get out of the dough from the bowl and remember it slightly. Now we start to form our buns. Dough cut to equal parts. Every part is slightly mixed, forming as a result of a cake. Each cake lay out in a lubricated baking sheet. The distance between them should be at least 2-3 cm.
  8. When all the cakes are labeled in contradictory, we divide the egg in a separate judge, whipping it and lubricate it with the help of a silicone brush on top of all our pellets. We leave them a little "go", literally about 30 minutes and put bake in a well-heated to 180 degrees oven. On average, buns are baked for 20 minutes. You can check the readiness of a wooden skewer if not sure.
  9. While buns bake, pour the bag of vanilla sugar into a cup or a glass. Add 2-3 tbsp. Hot water and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as you get buns from the oven, lubricate them from top to the cooked vanilla water. You can not imagine how fragrant and delicious your buns will be. Now let the buns cool down a little and boldly suite tea drinking.

Alternatively, you can add sparkling raisins in the dough. Or from this test you can make buns in the form of horns, wrapped inside the poppy mixture. It all depends on your imagination and tastes.

Buns "Roses" - Recipe

No less tasty, buns prepared by the prescription below are obtained. Moreover, they also have an interesting species - externally, they resemble roses buds, in connection with which they got their name. So, for cooking we take such a set of products:

  • milk - 500 ml
  • alcohol yeast - 30 g
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sugar 0.5 Art. + 1 tbsp. For putting out
  • vanilla sugar - 1 bag
  • margarine - 100 g for dough lubrication + 20 g for lubrication
  • flour - how much will

We proceed to the cooking process:

  1. Boil the milk, cool down to a temperature of 38-40 degrees. Dissolve yeast in it.
  2. In some dishes, break the eggs, and separating yolks from the proteins. We will not need proteins, you can bake the stray from them. And add sugar and vanilla sugar to the yolksham, and overheat well. Next, in yolks with sugar, pour milk with yeast. Stir until the sugar sand is completely dissolved.
  3. Now slowly add flour into a mixture and dance the dough so that it does not stick to the hands, and at the same time, it was soft. Six the dough cover with a towel and leave warm for 1 hour.
  4. After the specified time, roll the dough into a thin cake with a thickness somewhere 0.5-1 cm. You can split the dough into two parts and roll out 2 of the look - this is your discretion. Melt 100 g margarine or butter, which is even tastier. Razished korzh lubricate with margarine, and sap sugar from above.
  5. Tighten the root so that the lubricated part is inside. Now on the oblique, do small pieces of about 5 cm with the resulting "tube". Each piece of dough take the cutting with hand in one place and take carefully - it will be the base of the bud. Holding for the base, in the second place of the cut, which now turned out to be at the top, straighten the dough, forming as rose petals.
  6. Each "rose" fold into a lubricated baking sheet. When all products are made, put the oven in a heated to 180 degrees and bake 20-25 minutes. That's all - our "roses" are ready!

Such buns can be done with cinnamon if you like this spice. In this case, it's just when you sprinkle a rolled and lubricated dough layer with sugar, sprinkle it immediately cinnamon. And then do everything on the recipe. The taste is obtained radically different - but this option is on an amateur.

Now you know how to prepare buns in the oven in different ways. And one by one, and on another recipe, buns are obtained very fragrant, appetizing and incredibly tasty. Try to make such a baking for your households, and be sure that they will be delighted and from the dish, and from your culinary abilities.

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