Massage with snails Achatins

Massage with snails Achatins

Since ancient times, the belly -legged attributes unique abilities. They help to cope with many diseases. So, for example, in Egypt and Babylon, it was precisely the giant African snails that are called Achatins that were considered a symbol of eternity. But the healing mucus of mollusks was undeservedly forgotten over time. And only recently, scientists began to pay due attention to this substance.

Achatina is a land belly mollusk. The birthplace of this snail is Tanzania and Kenya. Subsequently, she fell into the countries of Asia, was brought to the islands of the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean. It has become widespread in countries with tropical climate. No matter how regrettable it sounds, but there it was known as the pest of agricultural plants. In particular, sugarcane. In our latitudes, mollusks are not found in nature, but are successfully kept at home.

Snails are creatures that use their mucus to restore their own sink. Powerful restoring properties of this substance could not be noticed - they found their application in cosmetology. The secret of mollusks is part of various cosmetic products. After all, it has strong antibacterial, antioxidant and regenerative actions. Such substances fight with scars and stretch marks. Mucus is effective in the treatment of burns, warts, skin ulcers, age -related skin changes and acne.

The regenerative properties of the Achatine secret are explained by the content of special components in it - collagen, elastin, glycolic acid and allantoin. For the first time, the owners of the Chilean farm, who were engaged in the breeding of mollusks, became known about this. The skin of the hands of workers was like babies. Moreover, the scratches and damage to the skin of the racks healed faster than those who had no contact with the belly -legged. That is why mollusks can be used for daily massage.

If you overcame disgust and started Akhatin, then you need to act as follows. Rinse the snail for starters under running water.

After that you should prepare the face and neck for the procedure. These manipulations come down to skin cleansing. You can use the familiar cosmetics or mask based on the secret of mollusks. You can rub some milk or sour cream. The last option is more preferable, because the milk bait will appeal to the belly.

Next, you should take a convenient position in a chair or on a couch. And you can let the "masseuse" so that she crawls on the skin. Gradually, Achatina will “pass” through your face, switch to the neck. And everywhere he will leave his healing mucus. And you can do the procedure not only on the face, because massage of the body with Akhatins helps women forget about stretch marks after pregnancy.

Remember that the massage time is usually limited to 20 minutes. Complete the procedure after the session, and send the animal back to the house. Feed!

While your "masseur" eats, it is necessary to rub the mucus into the skin. Leave the discharge on the face for 15 minutes, like an ordinary mask. Wait until the secret is completely dry. The result will please you! The skin is pulled up, velvety and fresh. Repeat the sessions every two days.

Attention! Some displeased belly can bite. But you should not worry about this, it does not hurt at all.

According to the reviews of alternative body care, mollusks do an excellent job of a task - massage. But remember that not all sorts of, not ordinary grape slugs - they are not suitable for this, but only African Achatins.

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