How to cook a manna porridge on milk

How to cook a manna porridge on milk

Delicious manna porridge without creepy lumps - the pride of every mistress. To cook this popular porridge on milk correctly, you will use the following tips and a recipe-tested by many generations.

6 secrets of the perfect manna porridge on milk

If you are only on the way of acquiring experience in culinary art, the preparation of manna porridge is better to start with the study of the characteristics of the technological process. Sometimes, these details are often overcome, so the porridge is not quite tasty.

  • Secret number 1: In order for the dish to be gentle and fragrant, with a thin creamy aftertaste, in his recipe must necessarily include milk. If you try to limit this product, it is possible to dilute it with water. Even the ratio of milk and water 1: 3 will improve the taste of porridge several times.
  • Secret number 2: Although the manna porridge seems like a simple dish that does not require compliance with the strict dosage, it is not quite so. In order for its consistency to be not too liquid and moderately, a certain ratio of products will have to adhere to. The ideal combination is 6 tbsp. l. Cereals on 1 l of liquid.
  • Secret number 3: You need to be able to pour into milk in time. Groats always falls only in the boiled milk, it is necessary to do it very slowly and be sure to stir porridge. It will save from the appearance of tastes. You can do this in a different way: porridge Moisten a small amount of cool water, then pour boiling milk into it and boil until readiness.
  • Secret number 4: Improve the taste of the semolina. Salt and sweetener need to be added only at the time of boiling milk. And oil, dried fruits, berries and other additives are sent to porridge after its readiness.
  • Secret number 5: Reliable boiling milk. It has property to burn in the process of cooking porridge. So that this does not happen before, before pouring it into a pan, rinse it with very cold water. After that, porridge will not nourish.
  • Secret number 6: Do not boil porridge for too long. It will be ready in 5-7 minutes. After that, you can enter the oil and beat the manna porridge with a whisk. Believe me, her delicate taste will seem excellent.

Step-by-step semi-porridge recipe on milk

Now you can proceed to the preparation of semolina. What you need for this:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Manna Crupes - 3 tbsp. l. with top.
  • Sugar sand - 2.5 h. L.
  • Salt is a small pinch.
  • Creamy oil - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Berries, jam, cocoa or other filler - to taste.

So, how to cook a delicious manna porridge:

  • Capacity rinse with ice water, pour milk to boil. At this stage, if desired, you can breed it with water.
  • Add the salt, and also sweeten the milk.
  • Start a thin ridge to enter a semolina, not forgetting to stir porridge.
  • Cook dish 5-6 minutes on medium heat. During this time, the semolina cereal will swell well.
  • Now you have to put the oil, beat the porridge and pour around the plates.

Manna porridge with milk can be served with a favorite jam, fragrant jam or melted chocolate. In the summer season in porridge you can add fresh or flew with sugar of berries, and in winter - dried fruits. Bon Appetit!

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