How to remove the smell of fume

How to remove the smell of fume

The overt was the problem with which many came across, and more precisely, everyone who ever drank alcoholic beverages. Let's see how you can cope with this kind of problem, what methods have for this and what you need to know.

Useful advice

Waking up in the morning after a good party, you will probably feel this unpleasant taste and smell in your oral cavity. Such unpleasant sensations attend a person at that moment, and not only someone who drank, but also one of who is next to you and inhales with you alone. It is clear that the conjunction with confidence can be called a problem, and, global, because there is a lot of reasons why it is necessary to get rid of it, and most often. immediately:

  • You need to meet a business meeting
  • Carry down
  • Go to work
  • Display to parents or spouse (wife)

In general, the reasons will get rid of it can be very much, and, in general, probably, few who will like to enjoy this terrible feeling and smell in the mouth. Let's find out all sorts of ways to get rid of the fume. And let's start with elementary recommendations that will help you with this problem to cope in operational mode:

  • First of all, it is necessary to go and take a cool shower - means not only against the fume, but also for refreshing the entire body and brains.
  • Also, experts are recommended to take a warm bath, soaring in it.
  • Without a doubt. Clean your teeth - it means to facilitate its condition, but, to greatly regret, it will not be possible to remove the congestion, because the whole smell does not settle on the teeth, but goes from the inside.
  • Do not forget to extract well things. In which you "buzz" and drank alcoholic beverages. Because things give their unpleasant effect and smell absorb very well. For those who did not know, alcohol also goes through the skin, so she and clothes will have an unpleasant smell.
  • It is also necessary to remember that no perfume, toilet water and sprays for the body will not be able to remove you, on the contrary, they will make the smell of you even more unscanitive.
  • In order to somehow score the smell of the fume, clean the sky, tongue and teeth.
  • In order not to get drunk quickly and that the hardness was not ads.
  • In order to reduce, reduce the level of fume, you need to deeply inhale deeply and exhale. It should be noted that this method is, but at the same time, you can turn your head.
  • You can also drink some Corvalol, its smell will cast the smell of the fume. But the unpleasant smell still does not leave you.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies can also help cope with

  • There is such an option - to chew a little walnut or, for example, nutmeg. It will help from the fumeric and chewing from parsley. This kind of funds in the mouth will need to chew at least 12 minutes, the most effective - nutmeg, despite the fact. That he is the bitter of the previously proposed options.
  • Take pure purified water and drop there are several lemon droplets (juice from fresh lemon). Also add some more honey there. This is a tool and tasty, and useful, and besides, you will still kill your overtake.
  • Whole grains of coffee can also be chewed and thereby reduce the level of smell from your oral cavity.

  • If you find fresh sheets of mint or Melissa, having wiped them, you will understand that this excellent remedy will get rid of the smell of alcohol in your mouth.
  • The grains of the usual sunflower were lit in his pocket, shake them and swallow (with the Shkarlupka). This method can be considered an effective, but it will be so only if you do not smoke, because, otherwise, everything will turn right away, but on the contrary.
  • Among other things, if you have a bay leaf at home, you can chew it a little, and your overtake will come to no, although in the mouth of the feeling during this process, will not be from pleasant.

Whatever ways you have chosen. After each of them, it is best to clean the oral cavity with paste to, so to speak, the process was completed.

Some nuances

Get rid of the fumes not so simple. How could you see. Because the process of cleansing the body from alcohol is not so fast. As I would like, so that to accelerate the removal of alcohol from the body, you can use the following method:

  • First, in the morning, washed with cold water and clean carefully sky, language and teeth.
  • After that, to dial a hot bath and redeemed well, throwing all the clothes from the dressing of the washing.
  • Then make a useful drink from the water, lemon juice and honey, drink it.
  • Brew after this strong tea and leave it cool on the table.
  • While there is a tea chew parsley, mint or bay leaf.
  • After the operations have done, clean your teeth again.

You should not also forget about the drugs that are created precisely in order to quickly remove headaches in the middle of the hangover and hard. They are considered effective, but at the same time, not always available, their cost is low difficult.

To alcohol out faster from your body, it is necessary to drink clean water, and in large quantities, so this fact should also be borne in mind.

No matter how cool the face and the body are very difficult to get out of the face and the body, so before getting drunk to a serious stage of alcohol intoxication well think about where you need to get in the morning and is it worth it to try all means From hangover.

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