How to remove barley with eyes

How to remove barley with eyes

The burning and itching near the eyes can be signs of a serious eye infection - barley. It not only significantly affects the appearance of the face, but also causes unpleasant pain. No makeup is able to hide the red swelling filled with pus. So that the infection does not extend further, the treatment should begin as soon as possible. The re-appearance of the barley in the future will be impossible if it is properly determined by the reason for its appearance. Let's consider some of the options for home treatment of the eye infection.

How to remove barley with eyes - Coriander seeds

Take 2 tablespoons of Coriander seeds and 1 cup of water. Boil seeds a few minutes. Perfect the decoction and cool it. Rinse them the affected eye two or three times a day. Coriander contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the edema.

How to remove barley with eyes - Tea bags

Brew tea bag in warm water for a minute. Remove excess moisture and place it on an amazed eye. Keep the package to complete cooling. Warm bags not only remove pain, but also help reduce swelling.

How to remove barley with eyes - garlic juice

Grind garlic clove and carefully apply it to barley juice using a pipette. Do the procedure twice a day. Garlic juice treats eye infections well, thanks to its antibacterial properties. He will not only give relief, but also reduce barley. Make sure the juice does not enter the eye.

How to remove barley with eyes - cloves

Equally apply oil along the eyelashes and the barley itself. Leave it for a few hours so that the oil is dried. After one procedure, you can notice a sharp improvement in well-being. The clove oil has antimicrobial properties that will accelerate the healing process. Remember that the carnation causes burning, if it gets into the eyes.

How to remove barley with eyes - Apply potatoes

Clean and soda small potatoes. Place it between the folds of the fabric and attach it to the affected eye (hold 10 -15 minutes). Potatoes is a soft binding and anti-inflammatory compound. Such a compress will reduce swelling and pain, and also prevents the infection.

How to remove barley with eyes - turmeric

This seasoning is also known for its healing properties. Mix pinch powder in a glass of water and rinse the eye makeup. Kurkuma is a good antiseptic and is often used to treat internal infections.

How to remove barley with eyes - water and salt

Boil the liter of water and add 2 tsp in it. Salt. Slend the decoction slightly and lower the towel into it. Attach wet fabric to the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes. The heat of water will calm the eye barley. The procedure will reduce pain and remove swelling. Salt acts as an antimicrobial agent.

How to remove barley with eyes - boiled eggs

Weld up screwed egg and place it over barley. The use of heat will help in reducing swelling, and also remove pain.

How to remove barley with eyes - Aloe Sheet

Cut the flesh from the aloe sheet, removing the top scales. On time, place it above the barley. Rinse your eyes with water after the procedure. Aloe will remove itch and will calm the pain.

How to remove barley with eyes - Acacia leaves

Boil several acacia leaves in a small amount of water. Remove them, and then use water to rinse your eyes. The soreness of the barley and the edema of the age is treated pretty quickly.

How to remove barley with eyes - rings onions

Cut onions on the pieces and place slices over the sore place. Kornefloda juice, despite the burning, will speed up the healing process. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Another useful way to use onion for treatment is easy to cut it. Tears leaving at the same time, moisturize eyes, cleaning them from dirt and dust, and facilitate pain.

These home remedies can cure barley only in the initial stages when the edema is only formed. Remember that the disease can manifest itself at any age, so for its prevention, follow certain rules:

  • Wash your hands before touching the eyes.
  • Do not share cosmetics with girlfriends.
  • Pay attention to the correct eye hygiene and wash them three times a day.
  • Always use clean water to rinse your eyes.
  • If you use contact lenses, keep them clean.
  • Do not wear eye makeup at barley.
  • Always remove makeup before bedtime.
  • Spit 6-8 hours a day.
  • Avoid stress.

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