How to remove bitterness from eggplants before cooking

How to remove bitterness from eggplants before cooking

The hostesses are preparing delicious salads from eggplants, different snacks, vegetable caviar and handbrokes to meat. They were called "Singny" and vegetables are great for conservation for the winter. Take bitterness before cooking from eggplants, otherwise the taste of your favorite dishes will deteriorate.

We remove bitterness from eggplants with salt

Rinse eggplants and cut into mugs or slices. It all depends on the dish, which will be prepared. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • fold the sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of vegetables into a deep bowl;
  • fall asleep with a large dining salt, mix carefully. The second option is to grasp each piece of salt, but it is for a long time;
  • leave salted eggplant in the bowl for 20 minutes. You will see how water droplets will appear on the surface of vegetables, it comes out of bitterness;
  • rinse vegetables under cold water and proceed to cooking. In the same way you can remove bitterness with whole shiny.

We remove bitterness from eggplants in the water under the yoke

In a large saucepan, pour clean cold water. For 1 liter of water, take a tablespoon of salt. Put salt into the water, mix. Soaking process:

  • cut eggplants or put them in salted water.
  • install tops on vegetables. It is necessary for the fact that the shiny will not get completely in the water and float. For the oppression, take a wooden round board on the size of the Court, and on top to the board put a stone or a jar with water;
  • hold the shiny in the water half an hour. For whole vegetables, it will take more time - up to several hours. You can leave them for the night;
  • after completion of the required time, rinse eggplants under cold water and appoint.

Remove bitterness from eggplants in the easiest way

The easiest way to get rid of bitterness - cut the eye from eggplants. Use a sharp knife or special vegetable. It is in the skirt that is bitterness. Her source is Solanin. Sliced \u200b\u200bthe skin with a vegetable thin layer, pre-wash and remove the tails.

Other alternative ways to remove bitterness with eggplants

Other alternative methods that will help cope with the problem:

  • put on 4-5 hours cut or whole shiny in the freezer. After the expiration of the right time, press with a vegetable excess liquid and cook the dish;
  • use milk. Sweep a little chopped vegetables, put on them a paper large napkin or a towel and sprinkle with milk. Press the towel with a cargo and take it in 10 minutes. Bitter juice will leave with paper. Wrap dry shore and cook the dish;
  • fill eggplants with boiling water for five minutes. Do not solit water. Then the liquid is drained, and dry vegetables;
  • boil shiny. This method of getting rid of bitterness is suitable if you are not important form of eggplant for dishes. Pour water into the saucepan, put on fire. Lower eggplant chopped into boiling water and boil 2 minutes. Remove the shiny in the colander. Let it stand water, and make a cooking dish. If there are many blue - each chopped game is boiling for two minutes.

Choose young and fresh eggplants, there are no bitterness in them and you do not need to process them. In the old blue bitterness a lot. Young eggplants without dark spots, rot, solid and with shiny smooth skin. Buy exactly such vegetables, and you do not have to do excess work in the kitchen.

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inGared 04/09/2018 at 11:47.

How to make these place names of vegetables and fruits. Cinema ((((In general, the same region is called them so much! At the same time, in all the others - eggplants. Well, let's call them badrjanjans, to call Demiancami, as in some villages! Why should everyone know how to call eggplants in your village?

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