How to stew zucchini?

How to stew zucchini?

Stewed zucchini is a delicious and pretty low-calorie delicacy for any menu. Such a warm snack will delight not only an incredibly tasty combination of components, but also a delicate appetizing dish texture.

Secrets of cooking stewed zucchini

The zucchini is important to prepare correctly so that the vegetable will not digest, did not lose its structure and color, and also retained its taste. Here are some secrets that will make dishes from zucchini not only delicious, but also very appetizing:

  1. you can stew the zucchini with water, but the chicken broth will give the dish a pleasant aroma and an incredible aftertaste;
  2. the zucchini should be extinguished separately from the rooteplood so that the vegetable does not boil and not lost its texture;
    complement the zucchini during extinguishing can be slightly fried meat, vegetables, sour cream, cream and a variety of spices;
  3. you can extinguish with a vegetable on a frying pan and in a saucepan, a saucepan or oven;
  4. solit vegetable is at the end so that it keeps the crisp structure.

Preparation of products

  1. Before caring a zucchini, it is worth a thoroughly wash all the vegetables for the dish, as well as to clean the vegetable from the peel if the zucchini is not young.
  2. It will not be superfluous and seeds from rather large zucchini.
  3. Next, it is worth nourishing the zucchini into small pieces.
  4. It is worth considering that cleaning vegetables costs directly before cooking.
  5. To save time, you can boil the zucchini to half-ready and use during cooking.
  6. Keep the boiled zucchini needed in the refrigerator - no more than 2 days.
  7. If meat enters the dish, they are better to fry or boil them in advance, otherwise the zucchini is fully welded during the cooking of meat.

The best recipes stewed zucchini

The creature is a lot of fragrant and simply amazing recipes stewed zucchini. Such hot snacks are quite varied, but all appetizing, nutritious and incredibly fragrant!

Zucchini with yogurt

This snack will surprise gourmets not only by the perfect combination of components, but also a pleasant creamy aftertaste. To prepare such a delicacy, it will be necessary:

  • Zucchini - 500 g
  • Mustard seeds - 2 ppm
  • Natural yogurt - 250 ml.
  • Salt


  1. To begin with, you should wash the vegetable and nourish on large pieces. If the vegetable is elderly, you need to remove the skin from it and remove seeds from the core.
  2. Send a zucchini to the saucepan and stew with a small amount of water - until soft.
  3. When the vegetable becomes soft, you need to pour yogurt - without additives and any fillers. The perfect option will be Greek.
  4. Stew dish before thickening, after which - add mustard seeds and bring a snack to taste.
  5. Remove zucchini from fire and serve.

Zucchini with cabbage

The fragrant and very satisfying dish will become perfect snack to pork or beef. To prepare such hot snacks, you will need:

  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomber juice - 1 cup
  • White bow - 1 head
  • Lavrushka - 1 pc.
  • Zucchini - 450 g
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp.
  • Cumin seeds - pinch
  • Lemon juice - 1/4 tsp.
  • Salt
  • Cabbage Belococcal - 400 g
  • Pepper black hammer


  1. To begin with, you need to pass chopped onions and grated carrots.
  2. Add the chopped cabbage, and then sliced \u200b\u200bzucchini.
  3. Pour the dish with tomato juice and stew to the softness of all vegetables.
  4. Support a snack with lemon juice and spices and - serve.

Zucchini in sour cream sauce

Quite a simple, but very satisfying and exquisite dish is suitable for any menu - both festive and everyday. To create hot snacks you need:

  • Zucchini 1.5 kg
  • Bulgarian peppers - 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Greens
  • Large tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Spices
  • Sour cream - 250 ml.
  • Pepper
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Salt


  1. To begin with, you need to clean vegetables well, clean and chop finely.
  2. Pass on oil peeled peppers, chopped straw.
  3. Add zucchini and garlic.
  4. After a couple of minutes you need to pour chopped tomatoes - without skin.
  5. Pour the dish sour cream and stew until soft.
  6. Bring the dish to taste, after which the snack is ready for the feed.

Fragrant stewed zucchini are very fast and tasty snack on an ambulance hand. Just a couple of interesting recipes and ... a great hot snack for meat is ready!

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