Potato grandmother in the oven - recipe

Potato grandmother in the oven - recipe

In this article, we want to present you with a recipe for a simple Belarusian dish, which has a very funny name “Potato Grandma”. It tastes remarkable, satisfying, albeit very high -calorie. But if you no longer know what to please for dinner or for lunch of your households, you can cook this dish for a variety.

History of the occurrence of potato grandmas

Despite the fact that the dish is considered traditional in Belarus, it was not invented by the inhabitants of this country, but by the Davispora of the Jews, which in the 18th century lived here. They very often prepared a coke - a dish of dick vegetables - carrots, cabbage. But, having arrived in Belarus, they began to use potatoes as a vegetable basis, which in this state is always in abundance.

In fact, a potato grandmother is the same casserole that is prepared in the oven with the addition of other vegetables and some meat. The main thing is that the potatoes are crushed to the state of mashed potatoes. Next, we will introduce you a detailed recipe for how to cook potato casserole at home.

Step -by -step recipe for potato grandmas

Products that are necessary for the preparation of potato grandmas:

  • 2 kg of potatoes of any variety;
  • 200 g of any meat (if you want the dish to be oily, use pork, but with chicken fillet the dish will be no less tasty);
  • 2 heads of onions (you can even use red onion);
  • hard cheese - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • garlic-2-3 cloves (if you like spicy dishes, you can use more than this product);
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.;
  • seasoning to taste (moth and pepper is mandatory, the rest to taste).

The process of making potato grandmas:

  1. First, make all the necessary blanks of vegetables: peel and chop the onions with small cubes, cut the meat with cubes.
  2. Heat vegetable oil in a pan, and then fry the meat with onions on it so that these ingredients acquire a beautiful golden hue. Do not forget at this stage to season the meat with salt and pepper to your taste.
  3. After that, work with potatoes. It must be cleaned from the peel, washed under water and grate on a fine grater. Since the juice will flow out of the potatoes in this state, it will need to be well squeezed.
  4. Potato gruel needs to be mixed with garlic pulp obtained with a davilka and flour. Mix everything with a spoon until a homogeneous mass.
  5. Add half the meat to the resulting mass, which by this time should cool down.
  6. Prepare a baking sheet in which you will bake a potato grandmother. Lubricate it with butter, put the remaining meat on the bottom, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the baking sheet, put the potato blank in the same way.
  7. Heat the oven to 180 °, and then set to bake the potato grandmother for 60 minutes. 10 minutes before cooking, pour the top of the potato grandmother with cheese, which must first be grated on a coarse grater.
  8. Serve the dish hot. As a sauce, you can use sour cream or mayonnaise.

If you want the dish to be lean, then instead of meat you can use any mushrooms. In this case, cheese can be replaced with nuts or other ingredients that you will consider necessary to use. The dish is always tasty and fragrant.

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