Cauliflower - a product containing a large amount of useful substances. It has nothing comparable taste, is well absorbed by the body, it does not cause allergies, so it is recommended for dietary nutrition and even for the first dust of the child. The vegetable can be successfully maintained at home until 1 year, but to achieve this, you need to know some of the workpiece rules.
Preparation of cabbage and storage conditions
For prolonged storage, it is best to take a later (autumn) variety. Select fresh forks, without damage. They are dried a couple of hours outside, then transferred to the room. For cauliflower, temperature regime is favorable from 0 to +2 gr and the humidity level is 85-95%. When the temperature is lowered in the room below 0, the inflorescence is frozen, and when it is increased, they germinate. If the air is too dry, it will lead to their fading.
Cauliflower storage methods
Cabbage is possible to store in different ways: in the refrigerator, in the freezer, on the balcony, in the basement or cellar. Any of these methods has its own nuances. It remains only to familiarize yourself with them to decide which you will be more suitable.
In fridge
The forks are divided into small inflorescences, wrap in the food film and put in a refrigerator into a special compartment for vegetables. A wrapper with long-term storage sometimes needs to be changed. Over time, the inflorescences are missing, it is necessary to monitor and delete them in a timely manner to stop the propagation of damage. It is important to know that when stored in the refrigerator, the temperature differences are undesirable, otherwise, with the cabbage time, the color will change and will become unsuitable.
To extend the cabbage storage time in the refrigerator, it can be sprayed slightly. Inflorescences are put in the jar and poured brine (1 l of water 1 tbsp. Salt). When a vegetable is needed to prepare any dish, it is getting out of the brine and is thoroughly washed.
In the freezer
The most reliable method of storing the cauliflower is the freezer. Inflorescence blanched or boiled about 4 minutes. in lightly salted water. Then allowed to cool and well dried to prevent them sticking together when frozen. Collapsible containers and / or p / e packets. Re-freeze the cabbage is unacceptable, which is why in the freezer is recommended to send it in portions.
In the cellar or basement
If you have a cellar or basement, then this is a great option for long-term storage of fresh cabbage. Cabbages are suspended at a certain distance from each other, and in this position the inflorescence remains intact.
You can store the plug in boxes. They piled in boxes lined with foil, leaving some space between them for ventilation. Top containers as covered darkened film. It is necessary to check that the time is not formed with the condensed water.
If no boxes, cabbages can simply spread out on the shelves, but then they have to be periodically turn and remove the decayed leaves.
Cabbage as well continue in the sand. Kochan deepen into a pile of sand with spines.
On the balcony
If there is no basement or cellar cauliflower have the opportunity to keep on the balcony. The main thing that he was warmed, and the temperature there does not fall below 0 even in cold days. Terms and storage methods - the same as in the cellar.
Dates cabbage storage
How to keep as long as possible product quality? It depends primarily on the storage conditions. Stacked in the sand or in boxes plugs retain their freshness for about six months.
In the refrigerator fruit stored up to one week without wrapping. Wrapped in a head of the film will be kept about 1 month in the freezer as well - for a year. Under the condition of maintaining the desired temperature on the balcony cabbage retain its good presentation and good taste about a month.
After reviewing the storage of this useful vegetable rules and following them, you will be able to have this wonderful product on your table year round.