How to make a jelly bear?

How to make a jelly bear?

Jelly - this product is very interesting in all senses of this word. It is tasty, and among other things, you can make various interesting desserts from it, from which it is impossible to take eye. So let's talk about how to cook a jelly bear.

Interesting dessert

I would like to start with the fact that you can buy a bear from jelly in the store, but it's no secret that there is a lot of useful components in these yummy, including poor-quality food dyes and various kinds of flavors who are nothing but harm the child's body, bring Just can not. Immediately charges the advantage of home preparation of the jelly animal.

In fact, it is not difficult to cope with the task, especially if you keep preparing. The set of ingredients is quite simple, as well as the cooking method, so there should be no problems in the cooking process.

Let's begin your consideration with the components that may be needed to achieve the goal:

  • gelatin (in this case it should be colorless)
  • sugar sand (for the lack of such can be used and ordinary sugar)
  • citric acid
  • multicolored jelly (purchased in sealing packs in the form of powder)
  • silicone shape (in the form of bears, respectively) or from plastics

Preparation of dessert

Step-by-step instructions for the preparation of the dessert under consideration:

  • We begin with the fact that we take comfortable and not very large dishes, in which you will need to score 100-150 ml of water (if you measure standard glasses, then half the glass will be exactly what you need).
  • Now we put the dishes with water on fire, after which we pour 3 teaspoons of the cooked gelatin prepared in the water, as well as a pack of jelly (any color). Standard pack jelly contains 80-85 g of product.

  • All mixed slowly and carefully and do so until the gelatin in this water is completely dissolved.
  • It's time to pour the jelly mixture in the dishes, from which it is already directly, we will pour the mixture into the form we selected.
  • So it will be necessary to do with each pack of jelly (the number of colors and the prepared product depends on the desire of the manufacturer and the required amount of the finished product).
  • When all the jelly prepared can be started to spill blends in forms.
  • Now it's time to put jelly in the molds into the freezer (not in the refrigerator, but in the freezer). It will be enough to hold them there for 20-25 minutes.

Give the bears from the molds and, at will, sprinkle them with sugar and citric acid, most importantly, do not overdo it with these writing.

helpful hints

As it became clear from the above information, it is not difficult to cook jelly bears, the main thing is to know how much and what ingredients to be taken to prepare them. Despite this, there are a number of nuances and recommendations that should be taken into account when making jelly bears:

  • The ideal option for the preparation of the dessert under consideration will be silicone molds, because it is very convenient to get a ready-made product with them, while completely without damaging it. With plastic forms, it will be a bit more complicated, because the jelly is often pouring into them partially, which leads to the fact that when pulling out bears from the forms, some part of them remains on their walls.

  • Moldings need to be chosen based on the purpose of their preparation and the number of "dates". If you decide to make a pleasant child, then a great option will be the preparation of a big bear, like, for example, in the famous vloga "Bear Valera".
  • If you decide to cook jelly bears for a children's birthday, then you can cook medium bears in the number of invited kids.
  • In the event that you decided to decorate the cake of the other confectionery product with these bears, then a shape with small tedies is the perfect option for the purpose under consideration.
  • Do not forget that the bears should be multi-colored, then it will be a very interesting and pleasant surprise for any child, and a confectionery, decorated with them, will surprise not only kids, but also adults.

The easiest recipe

If you have absolutely no time to prepare exquisite and complex desserts for kids, then we present to your attention a great recipe for a jelly bear:

  • We buy in the store jelly in powder (again we take multicolored jelly). In this case, pay attention to the fact that the product is high-quality, because it is from this characteristic and will depend on how tasty a bear or a bears for kids will get.
  • We read carefully preparation instructions (each manufacturer makes up its recipe and the proportions that are indicated on the package jelly, so that it is necessary to observe them in a mandatory) and add the amount of water that is indicated there.
  • Now it is necessary to pour ready-made multicolored jelly by molds. In order for an interesting dessert to be turned out to put on each mold nuts or some kind of small berry.
  • Now it's time to send a form to the refrigerator (freezer is not required in this case). Properly diluted jelly (if it is done strictly according to the recipe) will be perfectly freeze in the refrigerator, so it's not worth worrying about this.

If you need to get a ready dessert in a short time, it is better to send molds to the freezer with jelly for 15 minutes, if not - let it pour in the refrigerator for an hour.

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