How to make gelatin?

How to make gelatin?

Gelatin is a colorless powder made of cattle bones and containing a lot of protein-collagen. Gelatin does not have a characteristic odor, so it is added as a thickener in jelly-like dishes.

How to make gelatin from bones?

Some hostesses prefer their own gelatin, made at home from a natural provision. It's a troublesome thing, to digest Moslas, but it is worth it, since a natural product is obtained at the exit.

It will take:

  • Beefs and pork legs - 1 pcs.
  • Chicken legs, pork leather - 1/2 kg
  • Water - about two liters

Preparation steps:

  1. Place the washed legs in the pelvis with cold water at night - to mock. In the morning, the water is pouring, semi-finished products clean the brush and boil with water again so that its height over the bone is about 3-4 cm.
  2. Put the saucepan on the fire, let down, remove the foam and reduce the gas to a minimum (you can put on the sprayer). Let the vapor slightly bouffags a watch four.
  3. After the specified time, remove the container from the fire, cover it into the warm coat, on top - wear the cellophane package. Let cool in this form. Time is five hours.
  4. Remove bones from the broth (it should be drumming and sticky), strain. I distribute the molds in the molds and send to the freezer. Delive to need, add to the jelly or the bay ease.

How to make the store gelatin?

Buying gelatin is divorced elementary according to the instructions, but many inexperienced cooks cannot achieve the necessary product consistency. Let's deal with how to make the powder gelatin correctly:

  • Fill need the amount of powder (see the recipe) by conventional water, let it swell the minutes of forty-fifty minutes.
  • Fill the capacitance of the resulting thick weighing, put on a small heat. Heat (not boiling), stirring, before dissolving the grains, then remove from the heat, cool the substance slightly and pour into the food you want to ease.
  • Stir the components and put it in a cool place.
  • The gelatin leaflets are made like this: the plates separated from the film are soy in cold water (10 minutes), then press and - on a water bath. Next - add to the critting by purpose.

How to use gelatin?

The store gelatin is mainly used in sweet dishes - cream mousings, blanmge, marmalade. Recipes of the most interesting of them are in our selection.

Fruit-milk jelly


  • Gelatin - 20 g
  • Yogurt - 500 ml
  • Sour cream oily - 130 g
  • Honey, sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Black currant - 0.5 glasses
  • Cytrus zest - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 bag

We do:

  • Soak in the bowl gelatin in half a glass of water. Time - 30 minutes.
  • Heat the increased mixture on a quiet fire, prepare - until the granule was completely dissolved
  • Wipe currants through a sieve, mix with sugar and honey.
  • Stir into the containers and beat: yogurt, sour cream, warm gelatin, flavors.
  • Add 1/3 of the ferocular blank to currant puree, mix.
  • Lubricate the mold with oil and prepare jelly, alternating dairy and fruit layers, not forgetting each layer to withstand in the freezer for 10 minutes. Bay Last Layer Place the dessert into the refrigerator approximately 50-60 minutes.
  • Finished jelly remove from the mold to the plate. Decorate with cuccats or whipped cream.


In this dairy base jelly is added crushed hazelnuts, canned pineapples, vanilla.


  • Milk and cream - 300 ml
  • Sugar - 80 g
  • Gelatin - 10 g
  • Pod Vanilla


Dissolve sugar in warm milk, add branches vanilla and swelling gelatin. In the cooling mass, enter the cream, take up, fill out the form and - to frozen. Serve, watering berry syrup to tea, coffee, cocoa.

So, make the gelatin at home quite simple. Listen to our advice and you can prepare a tasty, original and appetizing dish that your loved ones will appreciate.



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