How to make tomato juice?

How to make tomato juice?

Juice from tomatoes are very tasty and healthy. Nutritionists call it a natural drink for weight loss, as it reduces appetite, removes toxins, toxins, helps reduce body fat and cellulite. It is also recommended to use tomato juice to women during menstruation. Delicious drink can be cooked at home. In this article you will find popular recipes of tomato juice, which will overcome any hostess.

Fresh tomato juice

Daily drink eating tomatoes will give cheerfulness, will prevent the body from premature aging. Scientists have proved that tomato juice reduces risk of cancer. Cook "the elixir of youth and health" is very easy.

Necessary ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 4 pcs .;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp .;
  • salt - 1 tsp .;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • fresh water, filtered - 50 ml.

Juice prepared with a blender, if such equipment in the house is not present, you can use the float or sieve to puree the tomatoes to a state of pulp.

  • Stage 1 - Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalk;
  • Stage 2 - pour boiling water vegetables and sustain them in hot water for 2-3 minutes .;
  • Stage 3 - Clean peel tomatoes (after heat treatment it will be easily removed);
  • Stage 4 - tomatoes cut into 4 pieces, chop blender;
  • Step 5 - in tomato puree, add water, oil and spice.

To save all the vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to drink the juice immediately after preparation.

Tomato juice for the winter (recipe №1)

Flavored juice from tomatoes can be enjoyed even in the cold winter. Drink made on this recipe, perfect for use in pure form, but can also serve as a basis for an alcoholic beverage - "Bloody Mary".

Necessary ingredients:

  • ripe tomatoes - 2 kg .;
  • salt - 2 tbsp .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp

For the preparation of vitamin drink, choose only ripe fruit.

  • Step 1 - Wash the tomatoes thoroughly under running water (if vegetables are very dirty, it is best to soak them for 20 minutes in the deep pelvis.);
  • Step 2 - cut the tomatoes into 2 parts through a meat grinder (so that the juice was more liquid, the procedure is repeated twice);
  • Step 3 - tomato puree move in an enamel bowl, put on fire;
  • Step 4 - Once the juice starts to boil, reduce heat, add the spices and continue to cook, stirring regularly (25-30 min.);
  • Step 5 - Sterilize containers, pour the juice in the container, roll up the banks;
  • Step 6 - banks with the juice turn over and put them on the cover, sheltering blanket until they are completely cooled down;
  • Step 7 - cooled banks transfer to the cellar or other cool place for storage preservation.

Harvesting of tomato juice for the winter (recipe №2)

Juice, cooked in this recipe has a delicious taste. This preform is perfect for cooking soup and sauces.

Necessary ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 3 kg .;
  • red bell pepper - 3 pcs .;
  • onion (large) - 1 pc .;
  • salt - 2 tbsp .;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp

Before juicing pay attention to the tomatoes. Tomatoes should not be rotten, black or white dots.

  • Step 1 - Tomatoes mince or chop until a puree using a blender;
  • Step 2 - sweet red pepper rinse under running water, remove the seeds and mince;
  • Step 3 - onions peeled, cut into two pieces and grind in a grinder or blender (can also use a fine grater);
  • Step 4 - move the vegetable puree in a deep saucepan and put on fire;
  • Step 5 - after the juice boil, reduce heat and add spices;
  • Step 6 - regularly stir the juice with the help of a wooden spoon, continue to cook for another 10 min .;
  • Step 7 - Sterilize the jars and pour the hot juice;
  • Step 8 - Banks roll, flip, and wrap a blanket.
  • Step 9 - cooled banks move to a cool place.

During the preparation of tomato juice, you can experiment with their own taste of the drink, adding spices and other vegetables. With tomato juice perfectly combines celery, ginger, cloves, coriander, etc.

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